B.Sc. Pharmacy 1959-1963 University of Toronto, Toronto Canada; M.Sc. Pharmacy 1963-1965 University of Toronto; Ph.D. Biophysics 1966-1969 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel; Postdoctoral Studies Microbiology 1969-1971 NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY; Assistant Professor Microbiology 1971-1973 NYU School of Medicine; Associate Professor Oral Biology 1973-1982 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY; Professor Oral Biology 1982-2006 Stony Brook University; Professor Emeritus 2006-present Stony Brook University.
75 Scientific Articles published in peer reviewed scientific publications including seven patents. Books for the Arts: Divinely Inspired: Spiritual Awakening of a Soul; Messiah Interviews: Belonging to God; Gog and Magog: The Devil's Descendants; The Wing of the Butterfly: Memories of Marcia; Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy of the Soul (with deceased wife and soul mate Marcia). Playwright, stage play Code Name Daniel Off Broadway July 2010.
In 1982, I heard God's Voice twice. At the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999, I experienced Divine miracles that continue to this day. In 1999, I began a spiritual journey and have put the pieces together to answer the questions listed below. With the loss of my wife on March 18, 2011 I was desperate to find a way to make contact with her. I did so through past lives - spirit world hypnotic regression under a specialized type of hypnosis. I was able to visit my wife in the spirit world. We now freely communicate through our Divine souls in much the same way as the psychic. I have written five spiritual books and because of my science background, each book incorporates some science. I am a scientist but have unshakable faith in God.
Man achieves the possible. God accomplishes the impossible.
Science cannot explain miracles nor can miracles explain science. Yet God created our planet, our universe, and we human beings through scientific miracles.
Do you believe in God? Where did God come from? Does the soul give us life? Where does the soul come from? Although the body dies, does the soul live on? What is the soul made up of? What is God made up of? Where is Heaven? Can our souls in our bodies communicate with souls in the spirit world? How does the psychic communicate with the dead? What is telepathic communication? What is reincarnation? What is channeling? How did Einstein define energy? What is the relationship of God's Energy to Einstein's energy? How fast does God travel? How fast does the soul travel? Is God and our souls independent of time and space? How does Einstein explain time-space in the fourth dimension? How can you explain God being responsible for both Creation and Evolution? Can science explain miracles? Can miracles explain science? Can God explain both science and miracles? How can God be the Creator of all things through energy? Does God have secrets? When will His secrets be revealed? Is God judging us for our moral decisions? Is there an afterlife? What is the Messianic Age? How do we enter it? What are our good and evil inclinations? Is the Devil alive? Does the Devil control our evil inclination? How does following the Ten Commandments help us? What happens if we don't live a moral life? What happens if we are evil? What about our past lives? How can we find out about our past lives? Are we our past lives? Does the soul have a genealogy like our family tree or our DNA family tree? How can one believe in science and still believe in God? How does one acquire spirituality? Is the soul a mini brain? What function does the soul carry out independently of the human brain? Where do the soul and human brain work in concert or independently? What is the Third Temple? Who is the Messiah? What is Resurrection? When will Resurrection happen?
Dr. Jerry Pollock, 11583 Pamplona Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33437 Phone 561-735-7958
Email jerrypollock@bellsouth.net
Websites http://www.jerrypollock.com http://www.thirdtempleinfo.org