At 48 John realized that the gifts and abilities inherent in his life were best put to use helping others. His writing has grown from this realization both in spirit and in content.
Putting will aside in favor of intent, he began to convey that which he felt so passionately about.
His thoughtful and eloquent articles convey a rich understanding of the subject matter combined with a deep sensitivity for the needs and emotions of those he shares with.
Become familiar with John’s work and your own sense of self worth and personal well being may also be affected.
Personal development and the pursuit of one’s highest and best purpose permeate his topics, leaving the reader asking,”What choices will I make today that will make the difference in my tomorrows?”.
I have a number of sites active right now in a variety of niches. My heart and soul are behind The Rising Path, a PR3 "Success Blog" with a mix of original and credited articles that speak of success in a business or personal sense. I welcome contributions and I assure you that they will be properly credited with a permanent backlink as well.