Dr Nkem Ezeilo (aka 'Dr Kem') is a General Practitioner, Multi-Award-winning** Speaker and Author who is passionate about 2 main things
Right from when she was very young, she wanted to help people stop suffering and lead happy and fulfilling lives. It was no surprise then that she chose medicine as a career. This gave her ample opportunity to work personally with people in need, and watch them recover under her care.
It was in medical school that Dr. Kem learnt to apply the Universal Principles of Success she teaches today. This is a woman who knows first hand what it means to succeed. After a string of mediocre grades in medical school, she stumbled upon the ‘secret’ to success and excellence in academics. This made a huge difference in her outlook and performance in academics as well as life from then onwards.
She graduated from medical school with distinctions in every subject, winning several awards including ‘Best Overall Medical Graduate, 1997’.
Having decided to start a family, she put her promising medical career on hold to raise her son. While at home, and wanting to fulfil her lifelong desire to help others improve, Dr.Kem trained as a life Coach and began to consult from home, helping clients to accomplish goals they had not been able to achieve before.
Using the same 'Universal Principles of Success', Dr Ezeilo built her Coaching practice into an international organization, with clients phoning in from various continents.
Dr Kem successfully transitioned from full-time stay home mom, back to her full-time medical career. While not doing any more one-to-one Coaching, She still reaches millions through the media of the written and spoken word.
She delivers Keynote Speeches on These Topics and holds Seminars on Healthy Lifestyle Strategies. She is fast becoming a highly sought after KeyNote Speaker in the Healthy Lifestyle and Personal Development circuits.
Her 'day job' is as a General Practitioner in London, UK. Her passion for Healthy Lifestyle as a form of prevention and treatment has driven her to create the site www.doctorkem.com, and she is now working on reaching even more people with the practical, no-nonsense material she shares, based on the '10 Pillars of A Healthy Life'.
She is the author of 'Inspirational Blueprints for Personal Success - for Women' available at all good bookstores and online at amazon and www.totalsuccessforwomen.com, which is the implementation station to help readers ACT on the principles learnt in the book.
Dr NKem lives in London with her son.
Contact Dr Thompson today by sending a message here.
**Winner, Women4Africa "Motivational Speaker of the Year" 2013
** Winner, LifeChangers Foundation "Female Personality of the Year 2013"
** Winner, GAB Awards (Gathering of Africa's Best) for Excellence in Contributions to Health
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-- Nelson Mandela written by Marianne Williamson
Visit www.doctorkem.com - sign up to receive FREE Ebook: "10 Big Lies That Are Keeping You Sick, Fat & Tired All The Time".
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Our thoughts determine our reality. If your current reality does not suit you, if you are not pleased with the current outcomes you are experiencing, the first thing you need to change is your dominant thinking pattern, for your outer life is a mirror of what goes on on the inside.
Total Success for Womenis all about enabling you to empower yourself to succeed. We do this by teaching you how to re-program and re-condition yourself from the inside out.
It is a law of nature that you attract what you think about the most. This is partly because when your mind is mostly on a certain goal, you are more aware of things, circumstances, more receptive to ideas and resources that help you accomplish that thing.
All this is explained to you in great detail, and you receive practical tools and strategies which you can apply to your daily life, to help you achieve your goals and intentions.
The formula is irrefutable: you must first Be before you can Do and eventually Have that which you desire.
Sign up for the FREE Weekly Success Tips Newsletter for Women over at the Total Success For Women website today.
Contact Dr Thompson if you have any questions, comments or feedback.