Many people discover the power of setting goals via a dramatic stage of their life. Others realize it through a good book, a relationship with a mentor, or the advice of a close friend. Ken discovered and formalized his interest in goal-setting through the process of tracking his constant desire for travel and adventure. The process took him to over 40 countries and six continents as he circled the globe twice.
Ken joined the 11th Special Forces Group after high-school and served in the reserves while completing an engineering degree. After university, he joined a big-five consulting firm and helped large companies reach their IT goals. Along the way, he managed to visit Europe, Africa, and the Middle East and completed a climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro.
He next moved to Europe and founded his own consulting firm. His engagements took him back to Africa and the Middle East. In leading his project teams he began to formulate his ideas around personal motivation. Concurrently, he tracked his travel agenda and goals in an increasingly complex spreadsheet. It was the combination of these activities, along with his growing leadership experience, that led to the creation of single-step goal-setting software.
The first version of single-step was released in 2004. The combined effort of psychologists, sports psychologists, counselors, professors, and of course software engineers, it represented a new direction in goal-setting software and was the first product on the market to support visualization and image-driven affirmations. An article in Self magazine helped thousands gain awareness of the single-step product and sales boomed.
Released in 2008, version 2 improved upon the features of single-step as well as adding many additional benefits including recurring goals, the creation of rituals, a daily reminder for goal-tracking, improved prioritization, and additional reports. Version 3 launched in 2009 with an improved interface, calendar, and task-tracking benefits.
In addition to public-speaking and working with non-profit organizations, Ken manages Self Evident Enterprises and is actively engaged in promoting and supporting single-step.
single-step motivation and goal-setting software is available for both personal and corporate use. Please contact Ken directly for further information on how single-step can help your organization be more successful.
In the absence of clearly-defined goals, one becomes strangely loyal to performing daily triva until ultimately we become enslaved by it.
- Robert Heinlein
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
- Frank Herbert, Dune