Over the past twenty years, Kimberly Cope has assisted hundreds of companies and individuals in achieving and sustaining greater levels of productivity, profit, and satisfaction than they ever imagined possible. She shares with her clients over two decades of diversified and progressive curriculum design, delivery, and management experience – including seven years with a world-class Fortune 500 development organization.
Her background spans business ownership in the B-to-B and retail sectors, as well as expertise in managing both hard goods and service-focused sales teams, vendor relations, corporate event oversight, retail merchandising, and recruiting.
As a trained personal and professional coach, Kim emphasizes values-based business and life enrichment through exploration, goal-setting, and guided action. She is an active speaker, trainer, and consultant and works with her clients by offering a customized blend of high-impact solutions to help them achieve their goals.
Kimberly received her education at the Coaches Training Institute located in San Rafael, CA. She is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), and is certified in Communication: Human Relations through De Anza College in Cupertino, CA. Kim is also a certified PRINT™ coach and trained to interpret the DISC™ behavioral insights profile and FIRO-B.