I’m Kimberly and I promote alternative and natural health options. The opinions given on The Natural Road website are just that: My Opinions. But they are based upon sources about which you should become familiar. I’ll show you how. As this site develops I hope you enjoy it, find useful and even vital tips, and, of course, keep coming back.
Ken and I have been interested in our natural health for about 3 years now. We went along like most people, thinking we were doing okay with our health. We generally eat well and did get some exercise in. At least we thought we did. Then we bought Kevin Trudeau’s book “Natural Cures”. That was a wake up call.
My husband read the book first and then I did. We did make a lot of changes that the book suggested. We started eating organic and using “organic” products. We also looked and tried different “vitamins”. Most were expensive and we weren’t sure how well they were helping us.
Then my husband came across Advanced Scientific Health. Well, we gave ASH a try and joined. We have been on ASH products for 3 years now and counting. I have to say these products work. This is no BS. Many people have gotten wins off these products as we have. Plus they are not expensive. So I have started this website to share the science behind ASH.
Along with improving our health the natural way, my husband and I live in a aviation community and are both pilots. We enjoy traveling and running an engineering & construction business.
I believe anyone can improve their health, by doing just a few simple things. The Key to good health is Orthomolecular Nutrition. It’s giving the body what it needs to heal itself and to stay healthy. The term “orthomolecular” was developed by Nobel laureate and chemist Linus Pauling to mean “the right molecules in the right amounts”. He is only one of many scientist over the past 2,500 years who realized that proper food, vitamins and minerials are of senior importance to maintaining people’s overall health.
So get started by going to my website.
You can go to my website www.thenaturalroad.com, call me or email me. I'm very easy to get in contact with.