Meet Kumari
Kumari is a catalyst for spiritual evolution. An internationally recognized Energy Alchemist, Reiki Master, intuitive coach, best-selling author and animal mystic, Kumari was a civil rights attorney when her father died of cancer in 1988, inspiring her to study energy medicine.
Founder of Divine Human Institute, a modern day Mystery School, her transformational work includes courses on energy healing, intuitive and spiritual development and manifesting. She has facilitated thousands of people…and their beloved animals to achieve profound transformations worldwide.
Kumari holds a powerful energetic presence where healing shifts occur spontaneously and the Light and wisdom of the Soul is unveiled. She teaches with a practicality and playfulness that is disarmingly potent, fully anchored in the knowing that everyone can awaken their divine nature and spiritual gifts.
Visit for FREE Higher Heart Chakra Activation audio.
How to Heal Anything LIVE - A Live-Streaming Session with Kumari
Divine Human Home Study Course
Universal Weekly Healing Program