Lisa S. Larsen, PsyD is a licensed psychologist in the SF Bay Area specializing in addiction and trauma recovery treatment. I see adults, adolescents and children for a range of mental health and substance-related issues including low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, compulsive behaviors, relationship and work-related issues. I am EMDRIA-Certified as an EMDR (Eye Movement Desensization and Reprocessing) Therapist.
I received my BA in Legal Studies and Literature from UC Santa Cruz in 1991, a certificate in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Studies from UC Berkeley Extension Division in 1995, and my Doctor of Psychology from John F. Kennedy University in 2002. I have been licensed since 2003 and have a solo private practice in Richmond hills and Berkeley, CA. I have worked at substance abuse clinics, a homeless shelter, community mental health settings, and for Kaiser Vallejo as well. I have worked with severely mentally ill adults, children with learning disabilities and traumatic histories, and people from a wide range of cultural, ethnic, and economic backgrounds with a variety of lifestyles and religious backgrounds.
Traumatic events can leave people with deep wounds that take a long time to heal on their own. Many times people feel they have to face it alone, to be "strong", but find themselves tripping over the same self-destructive behaviors and experiences repeatedly. For instance, self-injury, substance abuse, and compulsive sexual or work-related behaviors, low self-esteem, problematic relationships, and codependency are all possible sequelae of traumatic events in one's early history.
When people are trapped in these cycles of reliving and re-experiencing their traumas, and then fleeing from the pain of re-experiencing, it can feel hopeless and lead to depressive and anxiety disorders, dissociation, and other problematic mental health symptoms. That's when a safe, nurturing relationship with a knowledgeable and competent therapist can help people gain control over their experience, integrate what happened to them by telling their story in a helpful way, and learn new coping skills to handle past and present stress better. These are things that I can assist trauma survivors with and I am happy to talk to anyone who needs help with these problems and more, at 510-258-4431.
Please visit either of my websites to learn about how I can help you recover from traumatic events in your past or from substance abuse problems. For a general description of my services, please go to:
For trauma-related content, please visit:
Also you may call for a free 1/2 hour consultation to see whether we can work together on your mental health or substance-related issues, at 510-258-4431. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
My phone number is 510-258-4431. You can visit me on the web at or I am located in Berkeley and Richmond Hills, CA. You can also email me at