Lorna Blake is an international Speaker, award-winning co-Author, certified Life, Leadership and Prosperity Coach.
Born to a poor teenage mother on her grandparents farm in western Jamaica, she experienced poverty, rejection and abuse in her early years. She moved to Canada alone at age 19 and thus began more than 10 years of endless struggle. Nothing seemed to work out for her.
Lorna lived in a state of constant victimization and victimhood until she discovered empowerment, leadership & prosperity principles that changed her life for good. She overcame incredible odds to graduate with an honors degree in Social Work while becoming a mother of two boys.
Lorna’s passion for helping women has led her to live & work in five different countries where she has taught and inspired thousands from many cultures and walks of life. Lorna recently shared the pain and shame she experienced surrounding her paternity in a new book. Lorna's story has been featured in a film/documentary which was just released in January of 2019.
The Assertiveness Basics e-Course - a 6 week e-Course designed to help you create powerful shifts, empower yourself and take charge of your life. It incorporates visual, audio and experiential exercises.
Life Makeover Coaching helps you clarify goals and create a 90 day action plan. Includes strategizing, upgrading skills, optimizing your environment and improving your psychology.
Empower yourself, love yourself, transform your life!
Take time to play and have fun.
Connect with your inner child and you'll find the part of you that's the missing piece to your puzzle.
Inch by inch it's a cinch. If you want to accomplish a big goal break it down into little pieces.
One of the best ways to turn a bad situation into a better situation is to smile.
Stop complaining and start appreciating.
When we complain about a situation, we get locked into that very situation by virtue of our words.
Begin to develop a relationship with yourself.
As adults many of us are completely out of touch with who we really are... so we panic at the thought of spending time alone...
When we are so out of touch with our inner core, our inner self, it's no wonder that we feel so unhappy, frustrated and stuck in a rut.
We need to go within to find whatever it is that we are looking for.
Lorna Blake is a dynamic and engaging speaker, coach and teacher. She knows how to help you create profound shifts in your life by helping you shift your mindset.
She works with individuals, non-profits and other organizations to help them achieve empowered performance, greater results and a positive attitude!
With her unique story, her warm and engaging personality and her passion for life, her motivational messages are unforgettable.
Want to experience transformation and well-being in your life, relationship and business?
Want to improve your performance while putting yourself at the top of your priority list?
Want to lower staff turnover, boost morale and increase productivity on your team?
Contact Lorna today!