Lorraine Mignault is an award-winning Canadian inventor, scientist, author, speaker, singer and Founder of Positive Living Inc. - and positivelivingessentials.com
A graduate of the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Human Ecology, Lorraine has an extensive background in foods/nutrition, lifestyle programming, disease intervention and prevention, research/product development in skin care. She has Intellectual Property in these areas - being the ONLY woman worldwide with a suite of IP responsible for restored health successes (including life balance, pain relief, fitness, stress elimination, weight management, beauty sleep, skin health, wellness) with clients, especially women 30 to 55 more. An interview for a Feature article on women's health in BELLA Magazine out of New York was published in the March/April issue.
She is an award-winning inventor with several natural discoveries (example-in food and skin care) and "SUSTAINABLE" author of Die Healthy:Pursuing the Dream of Wellness and Longevity - showcased at the Frankfurt International Book Fair. The book is being reviewed for Foreign Rights worldwide - and for distribution in alternative medicine. Die Healthy is serving clients well in her practice - including her scientific evaluation for which she has IP. The book is also complementing the 3 Lifestyle Programs offered worldwide - and serves as an excellent resource on holistic healing for educators, health professionals and lay persons aspiring to transform people's lives. Her work is also showcased in 2 other books - and in 6 upcoming releases by American authors.
A featured inventor by Inventive Women Inc., Lorraine was an honoured author, inventor and speaker at the World Intellectual Property Day in Ottawa, Canada...an event celebrating women’s contribution to innovation, their ingenuity and creativity. She is also a nominee in the Canadian Manning Innovation Award for her trailblazing research and development in food and skin care. Visit www.positivelivingessentials.com for Improve Health - Look Young, FREE SECRETS.
In the world of beauty and health, Positive Living Inc. assists clients of all ages with effective, natural lifestyle options to be used at home, in the office, spas, health conferences or in complementary medicine. Recently selected Champion of a Modality by VitalityLink.com, a global health practitioners company, Lorraine is sure to impact ongoing challenges in health care. Read more at http://www.vitalitylink.com/p/positiveliving
Lorraine Mignault is honoured to have been nominated Woman of Action by A Celebration of Women where she will be sharing the stage with United Nations women, women heads of state, celebrities such as Oprah - and more.Come celebrate with us at http://acelebrationofwomen.org/?p=75431
Need inspiration? Read Lorraine Mignault's feature on Today's Brilliance™ by InspireMeToday.com. Join us September 28th at http://www.inspiremetoday.com/archiveDisp.php?type=0&ref=1645
An eloquent, sought-after speaker with formal Bel Canto vocal training , Lorraine Mignault captivates, inspires and involves audiences in all aspects of health and wellness, including innovation, bringing a life-focused sense of care and making a difference and transforming so many lives.
Can’t attend a conference? Lorraine’s life-changing lessons are available as a Check-In, Spa Lifestyle or Lifestyle Conference Call Programmes format to suit your budget and inspire a “wealth of wellness”. Click here to learn more.
As a vocalist, Lorraine enjoys her role in chorus groups and theatrical productions.
Most diet and lifestyle practices are a rehashing and repackaging of old ideas – some centuries old. In most cases, there is little or no research. There is no innovation.
How do we change our lives for the better and ensure a long and healthy life? Die Healthy: Pursuing the Dream of Wellness and Longevity points the way.
Through a series of Wellness Capsules, Lorraine Mignault guides readers on how to take back control of their own well-being. Her book is a valuable resource for educators, health professionals and laypersons alike.
If you are seeking direction, the book is a good way to start as it provides several case studies and detailed charts that a speaker event does not provide. It is a life guide for today and for years to come – providing answers to diabetes, weight loss, smoking cessation, sleep deprivation, skin health related to anti-ageing … and much more. Also, the Check-In Program is another opportunity to seek a second opinion on a wellness concern; further clarification, direction and evaluation.
As for speaker events, these offer greater motivation. A captivating, trained vocal presence along with innovative content and spirit makes Lorraine a powerful speaker with a timely health and wellness message.
Inviting Lorraine to present at a business, professional or academic conference allows for audience interaction and a great learning environment during the question period.
Whether in book format, at a speaker event or a Lifestyle Conference Call Programme, Lorraine is committed to making a difference. Many people have called her an “ Angel on Earth” because her research in disease intervention, including her book, have touched them personally and helped change their lives for the better.
Suggestions from Lorraine Mignault to Experience Health
Lorraine Mignault has an innovative perspective and concept on health and a remarkable ability to educate, guide and mentor others on health.
Do you need to ask a question or give a comment regarding this site? Please contact Lorraine HERE.
ADDRESS: Positive Living Inc.
Box 48054 – 35 Lakewood Blvd. MB CANADA R2J 4A3
PHONE: 204-489-0897
WEBSITE: www.positivelivingessentials.com