Lynn Marie Sager has been appearing before audiences for more than thirty years. Born in Oregon, yet raised in Hawaii, she has toured over two-dozen countries and worked on three continents. Author of A River Worth Riding: Fourteen Rules for Navigating Life, Lynn Marie Sager currently lives in North Hollywood, California; where she fills her time with private coaching, public speaking, freelance writing, and teaching for the LACCD and Pierce College. In what spare time she has left, Lynn often speaks on the principles of personal leadership and worthwhile living at local area schools, organizations, churches, and businesses. She also manages the Navigating Life website, where she offers a free fourteen-week on-line course in worthwhile living based upon her book. To find out more, visit Lynn's website at Navigating Life.
Navigating Life is sponsoring a self-guided fourteen-week online course based upon Lynn Marie Sager’s life changing book A River Worth Riding: Fourteen Rules for Navigating Life. This course empowers its students by examining the principles of causality, definition, reflection, focus, strategy, budgeting, process, responsibility, contribution, attraction, investment, communication, influence, and least effort. Students are encouraged to study one lesson at a time, giving each rule one week's strick attention before moving forward. Course content includes:
Understanding and setting boundaries
The secret to persuasion and influence
Never arguing again
Dealing with difficult people
Learning to delegate
Redefining problems
Uncovering your focus
Investing in your life
and much, much more...
The only cost for this route to self-empowerment is an optional companion book. Why not drop by boarding to see if it contains a lesson you need?
Life is often compared to a great river that flows through the banks of time. Living is like navigating that river. We are born into our parents’ boats. We grow up on a river defined by our parents’ lives. If our parents have happy lives, our lives tend to have happy head starts. If our parents have lives that handle the river well, then we have good models upon which to build our own lives. But if our parents have leaky lives, we tend to spend the rest of our lives bailing.
The lives we build tend to resemble our parent’s lives; after all, we build them based upon the designs we grew up with, using whatever happened to float by. Too often, only prayer and determination hold our lives together.
Eventually, we must learn to build and navigate our own lives—often without coming ashore. If we survive, we begin to notice other individuals and we want to share a piece of ourselves with them. We get caught up in the journeys of other people, and we forget which way the river intends for us to go.
The world has become full of people building their own boats and navigating an evermore-turbulent stream. No wonder we so often crash.
We need to step back and take a look at the river; learn to read its secrets. When do we paddle hard? When do we let the currents take us? When do we pull up to the bank and survey the stream?
Lynn Marie Sager's A River Worth Riding: Fourteen Rules for Navigating Life examines fourteen rules designed to help you navigate life. Study one rule at a time, give it one week's strict attention, and leave the rest of the rules to "their ordinary chance." Taken together, these rules make for a worthwhile ride...
To get started, simply visit the Navigating Life website, where you will find links to excerpts, articles, games, blogs, lessons, membership, and more...