IdentityTherapy focuses on a positive identity for the future instead of the negative behaviors of the past. It is a solution-oriented common-sense approach to change. Dr. Seiser created IdentityTherapy after 30 years of clinical experience treating offenders, victims, and families of violence, trauma, abuse, and addiction.
AikiSolutions focuses on mindful and compassionate communication, counseling, and coaching in problem-solving and conflict awareness, assessment, prevention, management, and resolution. Dr. Seiser has 40 years of martial art experience and training, has a Sandan (3rd degree black belt) in Tenshinkai Aikido, has coauthored 3 Aikido books, and is a regular columnist on Aiki-Web.
Dr.Seiser has just finished the compilation of his southern California newspaper and magazine columns in Seiser Says: The Collected and Selected Works of Lynn Seiser Ph.D.
He is beginning to write his unique conceptualization of the identification theory, process, and therapy.
Dr. Seiser has extensive training and experience in hypnosis and NLP, sport and performance enhancement psychology, and eastern practices and disciplines.
"We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training."
So get back to training.
I (a verb) IdentityTherapy™ I (a verb) accept the positive identity of my future instead of the negative behavior of my past. I (a verb) accept there is nothing more profound than everyday common sense. I (a verb) am mindful and accept I already know the truth and what is right. I (a verb) am compassionate and already know the cause and effect of both suffering and happiness. I (a verb) am courageous and do what is right. I (a verb) am disciplined and keep doing it.
©2007 IdentityTherapy™, Lynn Seiser, PhD
Thanks for listening, for the opportunity to be of service, and for sharing the journey.
Until again,
Lynn Seiser PhD MFT
Marietta, GA USA