Martina is a Registered Nurse with a background in adult critical care and pediatrics. She completed a 3 year training program with the Inner Focus School of Advanced Energy Healing in 1999 and received her Bachelors in Ministerial Science in 2001.
She is a gifted clairvoyant & psychic medium and has published two books: Connecting with Heaven & The Soul Mate Solution
She trained with Dr. Eric Pearl and is certified in Reconnective Healing ®.
Martina opened her first Alternative Healing Center in 2001 where she has taught classes in Self Empowerment, Psychic Development & Spiritual Growth. She has trained and certified over 50 people in Advanced Energy Healing and Integrative Soul Coaching.
She offers online ecourses in Meditation, Connecting with Your Spirit Guide, Psychic Develpment, Psychic Mediumship Training & Happiness. Most recently, in Jan. of 2012, she released her new 12 week Home Study DVD Course: SPARKLE BIG which assists you in becoming the most authentic and happy self you can be.
She has also released 3 audio Guided Meditation Cd's: Meditations for Wellness, Connecting with Heaven: Guided Meditation, and Sacred Sleep.
Martina sees clients privately in office, over the phone, and on the internet through Skype. Her services are: Advanced Energy Healing, Past Life Scans, Aura Drawing/Interpretation, and Integrative Soul Coaching.