- 0 Articles- 3 Websites- 0 Events- 109 User points
Wellness Expert
Mary Jean Henderson Quick Facts
Hi - I'm MJ
My current intention is to follow my bliss and work online
combining my love of computers with my long-time love
of holistic health and spiritual growth studies.
Blue Star Bridge is a Work-In-Progress and will remain that
way since there are no limits to learning and growth.
My plan is to build a website which will provide many things
for many different people at different stages of growth
and include a selection of safe ways to find abundance by
working online.
If you visit my website (www.bluestarbridge.com), I hope you will contribute
your insights so that we may learn, grow and evolve together.
Psychoneuroimmulogy is one of my favorite words and it very
simply translates to body, spirit and mind being all one system.
I feel that wherever we start on our healing process, we will
find that all of our self is affected and that growth can be infinite.
As each of us grow and evolve, our planet can be healed also.
I hope you will join me on my journey to wellness.