R. Means Davis, V, a native of Atlanta, Georgia,
is founder and CEO of Empowered Enterprises International, a global career
coaching and organizational strategic development company. A graduate of the top rated business school
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
his career has grown from risk management and insurance, human resource
management including recruiting, placement, and consulting, to the founding of
Empowered Enterprises International in 1993.
His expertise includes the design
and development of individual career paths, organizational strategic planning,
and the design and delivery of customized training & developmental
seminars. He inspires and motivates people to produce unprecedented results. His life mission is represented in the company
purpose: Reach Your Goals; Realize Your Dreams!
For more information on our
Career Coaching and Business Growth Solutions, visit www.empowered-enterprises.com
Individual and Organziational Success Coaching
Cutting edge Seminars & Teleseminars!
Career Tools
Resource Referrals
Outsourced Marketing Services
Powerfully Living a Life you Love!
Reach your goals, and Realize your dreams.
Visit our Inspiration and Motivation page at www.empowered-enterprises.com/Inspiration.html
Means Davis
$ourcing $uccess!
Empowered Enterprises International
Career Coaching and Business Growth Solutions
(404) 847-0797