I am 58 years old. Born and raised in the suburbs of NYC, in Connecticut and New Rochelle, NY.
In 1978 I followed through on a long-time interest in Buddhism and began the study and practice of Buddhist meditation under the guidance of the late Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1939 - 1987). Since then I have attended or staffed many classes, seminars, and group meditation retreats.
Presently, I live in northern Vermont where I am active in the Buddhist sangha in the neighborhood around Karme Choling, a well known Shambhala Buddhist retreat and program center.
I am an active meditation instructor at the Shambhala Center in St. Johnsbury, Vermont and also give meditation instruction at the local state prison work camp.
The Zafu is round and will support a variety of meditation postures where your knees rest on the Zabuton Mat.
Of course I believe in free will, I have no choice.
This sense of self is actually a transitory, discontinuous event, which in our confusion seems to be quite solid and continuous. Since we take our confused view as being real, we struggle to maintain and enhance this solid self. We try to feed it pleasures and shield it from pain. Experience continually threatens to reveal our transitoriness to us, so we continually struggle to cover up any possibility of discovering our real condition.
- from Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, by Chogyam Trungpa.