After 20 years in the investment advisory business, where he built his business to rank in the top 5% of brokers nationwide, Mike began building his own successful businesses. He has started and built several very successful businesses since and currently runs three businesses while serving as the director of an annual statewide high school all star event and participating in other community acitivities. In addition, he really enjoys spending time with his wife and three children and their families. Hence his interest in the principles of time management.
Lost time is never found again. Benjamin Franklin
The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. C. S. Lewis
We work to build a philosophy of time management that may well be very different than most of the strategies of managing time that you have heard or read about. Our focus is to introduce you to some thoughts and strategies that can cause a very dramatic and positive change in the quality of your life and in the level of achievement and satisfaction you derive from it and your work. The key to being successful with these principles is an open mind. Behavioral scientists tell us that the average person uses somewhere between 3% and 25% of their potential resources – their abilities and talents. The limitation is created by closed minds and preconceived ideas. Open your eyes and your mind. Look for reasons and ways to make things work. Go beyond the obvious. Expand your horizons.
Maximizing the use of your time is affected by your attitudes about your time. A successful time management strategy should help you balance your time use with your life plans and with your personal and professional priorities. To be successful in your planning you should…
Develop some new time-conscious attitudes
Clarify your goals
Learn and implement techniques that will give you more control of your time and your life
Currently the best way to gain access to Mike Leamnson and his products/services is to go to his main website ( From there you can access Mike's personal website. On the this website, you can download a FREE copy of the eBook, How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett and access many other time management ideas and information. On this website you can also subscribe to his free weekly "Affirmations email."