After 25 years in sales, I can tell you this – the 80/20 rule is still in effect. 80% of the sales and revenue in a company or industry is still made by the Top 20% Producers. Regardless of what product or service you’re selling, you’ll find this to be true. In fact I’ll bet you can name the Top Producers in your company or industry, can’t you? The question is then, if you’re all selling the same product, have access to the same sales materials, work the same kinds of leads, then WHAT IS GOING ON? More importantly, what can YOU do to move into that elite Top 20%?
Top 20% sales performance is what I know and what I teach. And I can tell you this – if you study, learn and apply the techniques, skills and strategies of the Top 20%, you’ll get the same results they do. And if you don’t (and 80% of your competition or sales team won’t), then you will continue to struggle, not make your sales quotas, and probably wish you weren’t in sales. It doesn’t have to be that way!
I can help you, RIGHT NOW, become a better closer and I will do it for FREE! Go to my site: and download my Special Report, “10 Techniques That Will Instantly Make You A Better Closer,” and begin using the scripts and techniques you will find there. You can be better starting with your next sales call.
You can get this Special Report FREE by signing up for my weekly Ezine, “Secrets Of The Top 20%” and each Tuesday morning you’ll get another proven and effective technique absolutely FREE. What are you waiting for? Commit to yourself and your career today!
Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, works with business owners and inside sales reps nationwide teaching them the skills, strategies and techniques of Top 20% performance. If you want to close business like a Top 20% producer, then learn how at:
If you are committed to becoming a Top 20% producer, then get 10 GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:
Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, offers FREE Closing Scripts, and a FREE audio program designed to help you double your income selling over the phone. He works with business owners and inside sales reps nationwide teaching them the skills, strategies and techniques of top 20% performance. If you want to Close Business like a Top Closer, then learn how at:
If you're in sales, then you know the following Top 20% thoughts are true:
Lead never get better when you call them back (so you'd better qualify really well up front!).
It's better to disqualify prospects (and get out fewer but better qualified leads) than to stuff unqualified leads into your pipeline and spend your time and energy chasing leads that will never buy.
There are five elements to a qualified lead. Do you know what they are? If not, visit my blog and find out:
If you're not prepared with proven and effective scripted rebuttals to the reflex initial resistance you get everyday, then you're hating life as a sales rep.
Never, ever answer an objection. You must always question and isolate it first to make sure it's not a smokescreen.
The biggest mistake 80% of your competition makes when they get an incoming lead is that they go into 'pitch' mode rather than qualification mode.
The number one asset of a Top 20% producer (and, oddly enough, the hardest one to teach) is they are the best listeners in the office.
The fastest and easiest thing you can do right now to double your sales this year is to begin recording and listening to your calls.
Mike Brooks offers Top 20% Inside Sales Boot Camp Teleseminars that can be customized right for your selling group and given during times that fit your schedule. He is also available for in-house presentations and keynotes. For a complete list of flexible and affordable training options, visit:
Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, works with business Owners and Inside sales Reps nationwide teaching them the proven skills, strategies and techniques of Top 20% performance. If you want to close business like a Top 20% producer, then learn how at: