Naomi Tickle is an International speaker, Personologist (face reading expert), career and personal development coach. She is the author of You Can Read A Face Like A Book and What Makes People Tick and Why - The answers are in the face. She was first introduced to Personology (face reading) 22 years ago. Amazed by the accuracy, Naomi felt this was an opportunity to help others find a career they really enjoy.
Naomi has given workshops and lectures to Norwich University, AT&T, CNN, IBM marketing division UK, National Semiconductor, College and Orthodontist conferences, Keynote speaker at Real Estate retreats and Coaching conferences plus many more. She offers entertaining and informative Face Reading workshops and lectures throughout the United States, Australia and Europe. Participants leave with a working knowledge on how to use the information in their business and personal life. Her goal is to help teenagers, college students and individuals in career transition, to get back on track with their life.
Naomi has appeared on CNN, NBC, BBC, Good Morning America and numerous television radio interviews around the world. Her book is used as a tool for communications, understanding children, relationships, team building, sales, career guidance and personal development.
I want to thank you, very much, for your workshop at the Conference, it was a really refreshing part of the event. It's still a real talking point, two weeks afterwards - very speakers have that effect! FAMA conference.
Both my wife and I were profoundly impressed with the quality, precision and accuracy of your profile of me. Your tape was superbly diplomatic and charming in the way you see me with my more challenging traits. Your comments throughout were very constructive. They gave me a greater understanding of myself, and they have cleared some of the "fog" surrounding my thoughts for the future. Brian R.
Thank you, your insight has really helped me to make a decision . It confirms the way I feel about my struggle with teaching. I have thought more about doing another MSc and going into consultancy work, which will involve project management I think you have just made my mind up! Also, it has always been my ambition to write a children's story book, so I shall stop making this an ambition and start getting on with it! Thanks again Karen Riley
Naomi, you are an amazing lady. Thank you for this. You've made an ordinary day very special. Sally M.
Are you looking for a career direction and don't know what to do? Have you taken lots of tests and still you are confused? You are not alone. The system I use for career assessment has been well researched and found to be at least 88% accurate and higher. The assessment can be successfully analysed from photographs or in person. My clients are amazed by the accuracy. Many of your abilities can be seen at a very early age.
I shared with a mother that her three year old daughter had a gift for writing. Ten years later I was just told that her daughter has been asked to write the school newspaper. I noticed a four year old boy with his father in a restaurant who had the musical gift. When I mentioned this to the father he responded with surprise ..... yes, he is a very accomplished saxophone player."
These innate abilities are reflected in the structure of the face. This is not an intuitive reading, but more of a scientific approach for understanding what makes a person tick and why. It validates much of what we know about ourselves and gives us the confidence to move forward. To find out more, go to