Born and raised in Kiev, Ukraine (formerly a part of the Soviet Socialist Republic), he received a Master’s Degree in Bio-Chemistry from the University of Kiev in 1976. He immigrated to the US in 1979, and currently resides and conducts his practice in natural medicine in Brooklyn, NY.
Dr. Yasko is an AANC (American Association of Nutritional Consultants) certified nutritional consultant, a naturopathic physician with the American Naturopathic Medical Association, a certified EAV practitioner, and was granted an honorary degree as doctor of alternative medicine by the international Zoroastrian College. He is a member of the Coalition for Natural Health and has sponsored several educational seminars and scientific symposiums on the problems in the ecology of water. He is the founder and CEO of Revitalized Technologies. Most recently he acted as the main consultant in the production of the award-winning Russian documentary of 2006, VODA, on the subject of water and its many facets and complexities.
He is also a sponsor of the Nevada-Semipolatinsk Anti-Nuclear Movement that began in Kazakhstan in 1980s, which was formed to educate and work toward correcting the ravages of radioactivity on water, its surrounding environment both in Kazakhstan and around the globe. As a practitioner, Dr. Yasko adheres to the philosophy that if the needs of the body’s systems are being met via comprehensive nutrition, the body can have unlimited power to prevent and reverse disease. He is fully aware that true, quality hydration is at the very foundation of good health, providing for the effective delivery and active absorption of nutrients, and timely removal of all accumulated metabolic and toxic wastes. Thus, correct hydration is the basis for every serious health regimen. As a result of his this knowledge, Dr. Yasko founded Revitalized Technologies Inc in 1997, and has continued his research into the complexities of water for both human and environmental health, developing his product line in pace with the new breakthroughs coming from all over the globe. In developing non-invasive, painless and drug-free methodologies for permanent elimination of many modern day pathologies, he has innovatively drawn form a number of healing techniques – homeopathy, enzyme therapy, nutrition, hydration, and energetic/vibrational medicine – to provide the most reliable, effective treatment for many chronic health conditions. The doctor’s innovative therapies utilize the principals of functional medicine to activate the energetic/immune system response for renewal and restoration of the body’s own healing abilities.
He specializes in the treatment of diseases that seem intractable. Many of these are debilitating illnesses that are beyond the scope and treatment of established western medicine. He has had tremendous success in the treatment of viral diseases (HIV and hepatitis), various forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular/circulatory system disease, arthritis, allergies and lymphatic dysfunction, and other often debilitating conditions.
What is Revitalized
Born out of the Soviet space industry, and the product of 30 years of Russian and Polish research, Revitalized Biogenic Activator, we believe, brings more of the science of water for health together in one product than any other product available today.
Observing the damaging effects that consuming recycled water was having on the Cosmonauts, Soviet researchers became aware of the importance of the life enhancing Hydroplasm, which was clearly missing in the water on the lomg space missions. Keep in mind that today almost all water that we consume on this planet (90% of the water consumed) is recycled or filtered, including most so-called spring waters.
The Soviet researchers involved with Revitalized determined that the level of Hydroplasm in the water we drink determines its degree and ease of assimilation, as well as its ability to support chemical/enzymatic activity in the body. Drinking water rich in Hydroplasm means less expenditure of energy and reduction in overall stress, essential for a person in a healing crisis, but also clearly advantageous for a person wishing to maintain their good health.
Hydroplasm is the form of Plasma that can manifest in water. Plasma, for those not knowledgeable in physics, is that duality of electromagnetic forces, which supports a state of free electrons and protons, not confined by atomic structure which has a nucleus at its core, and considered by some to be the very essence of life itself. To put it simply it is an energy field which under the right conditions is able to interact with living plants and animals to contribute to the many processes which support life itself. With the help of top Russian physicists, we are now able to create our hydroplasm-rich Biogenic Activator which assures a good measure of this life-sustaining force for those who add it to their regular intake of fluids.
Revitalized Biogenic Activator also manifests fast right-spinning electrons, which is like creating a tailwind behind our life-giving substances, such as nutrients, driving them forward, and a headwind against our life-suppressing substances, such as toxins and pathogens, slowing them down and neutralizing their negative effects.
Another defining characteristic is a strong osmotic drive, created by imprinting the water with a high amplitude frequency, which assists the cells with a healthier platform for nutrient uptake and release of toxins, by speeding up the delivery of nutrients into the cells. This promotes smaller, more frequent feedings of the cells, allowing the cells to be nourished steadily without overwhelming their ability to flush toxins in a timely manner.
Additionally, Revitalized Biogenic Activator is made up of several different six-sided molecular structures, which is the form most often observed in water found in correctly functioning nature. These structures occur naturally in our Biogenic Activator as a result of the presence of Hydroplasm, without requiring the addition of surfactants or salts to manufacture that structure, which is commonly being done today in commercial waters.
Richard Gerber, MD, world renowned researcher and author of the iconic series of books called Vibrational Medicine, is quoted as saying: “…I find that it does appear to increase my sense of energy and vitality... Other homeopathic practitioners whom I have talked with have added it to homeopathic remedies with a significant increase in the remedy’s effectiveness on patients. I would recommend it to anyone who is either fatigued or interested in improving their level of hydration and their general health and well-being.”
Once one understands the dynamic mechanisms of the Revitalized Biogenic Activator, it is easy to understand why we say that Revitalized Biogenic Activator has true anti-entropy or anti-aging properties.
Where can I get it?
Initially, Revitalized Biogenic Activator was intended for practitioner distribution only, but with success rates in patients rising by almost 70 percent, Dr. Yasko and Professor Inushin realized that Revitalized Biogenic Activator filled such a universal need, that they decided to expose this unique product to the rest of the world.
Hence, Revitalized Biogenic Activator is now available to the general public through health product retailers throughout the United States and right here on our website. Today, tens of thousands of people are enjoying the benefits of Revitalized Biogenic Activator.