Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
In 1999 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic migraines and severe depression and so began my journey into a very dark and lonely place. For 6 years I was a prescription "zombie" taking over 22 pills a day and spending most of my days lying in bed in a pool of my own tears. I was barely able to function without assistance and a life outside my house was almost nonexistant. Even with the love and support of my husband and family, I was in a desperate place. I had gained over 100lbs in a year, my friends had abandoned me and I felt like a worthless burden to the world. As I had always been an active, self confident and strong person, these chronic illnesses had brought me to my knees. I was beaten and ready to end it all.....
I was always researching for cures, anything to alleviate the torture. I made a conscious decision in May of 2005 to find a way to get well. I found an alternative doctor who helped me wean off the drugs and added supplementation, detoxification, acupuncture and other therapies. By November of 2005 I was pharmaceutical free and so began my journey back to health. My recovery was so profound that I wanted to learn as much as I could to help other people suffering in the dark and lonely place of "chronic illness" and so I went back to school at the age of 50.
My philosophy is to"take control of your own health"! I take my life a day at a time and continue to learn and grow as a person, and I am grateful for my journey into the darkness for it has made the light now, so much brighter!
Do No Harm - Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies
Identify and Treat the Cause - Look beyond the symptoms to effectively address the underlying causes(s) of illness
Healing Power of Nature - Trust in the body's inherent wisdom to heal itself
Treat the Whole Person - View the body as an integrated whole in the physical and spiritual dimensions
Consult as Teacher - Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining optimal health
Prevention - Focus on promoting health and wellness, and preventing disease