We assist other network marketers with saving money on buying leads, we also have a video training program that is free.
Here's what I discovered, and what I want you to really understand...
"Network marketing is an industry of marketing and promotion pursued by people who have no idea how to market or promote."
Think about it... This is one of theonly industries in the world that attempts to take average people with no marketing skills or experience as an entrepreneur and then instructs them to teach other people how to market and make money as entrepreneurs...
Guess what? It's all but impossible.
That's why you're told to go out and make warm market lists, wear silly buttons on your shirt, and post signs on telephone poles... All things that anyone who knew anything about marketing wouldn't be caught dead doing.
Paul Hines
Ft. Lauderdale Fl.
Website: http://www.paulhines.buildingonabudget.com