I spent 20 years in the printing and publishing industry prior to 1990. Then after tackling entrepreneurship, I became motivated to write my first book in 2000 so that I'd be eligible to speak at a convention in Sacramento.
In 1995, I started teaching other authors how to retain 75% of the book sales price and how to market their books to achieve a 6+ figure income. Most authors hire an agent who takes 10% of their total income. The agent's job is to find a publisher who will take 50% of their income. It's a wonder authors have ever survived!
But it would still be completely up to the author to arrange their own publicity and engage all of their media exposure. When they get their book into a retail store or on an online store, that establishment expects 50% of their income, often leaving the author in the hole for all of their expenses.
So you might ask, why bother?
That's what I wondered until I finally figured out that I could get Amazon to pay me $20 for my $25 book and including the cost of printing the book, I retain 75% of the sales price.
An author friend invited me to be on Oprah's show in 1991. She has sold over 700,000 books and has made 35 cents per book. I have made more on my first book in the first ten years selling less than 10,000 books than she has selling 700,000 books. It is a travesty and an insult to her, but no matter how much I try to convince her there is a better way, she's still believes she is better off having that publisher.
The difference for her would have been $10.5 million being Independently published rather than $245,000 she has earned over 20 years having a publisher.
Which option would you prefer? Independently publish or spending upwards of two years trying to find a publisher who isn't likely to take on a new author?
I'll raise my hand for Independent Publishing every time!
The Author Training Program is designed to take brand new authors from concept to 6+ figure incomes in the most rapid process as possible as well as taking seasoned authors to new heights of success using the 22 marketing concepts.
There is no program more complete or as easy to use. The entire program has been created in a video format with examples and documentation to make sure whatever your level of computer-ease, you will be able to navigate through each and ever one of the processes and achieve your ideal success level in the shortest time period.
The training includes:
First, go to the website and download your free ebook on how you can write your book in 4 to 6 weeks in only one hour a day. You'll also want to set up your website at the same time to have enough traffic and credibility by the time you launch your book.
Once your book is ready to print, you'll want to have a couple of book signings lined up to create media you can put on your site to prove others are interested in your book.
You'll find only 5% of your income will be derived from books sales and the balance from the other techniques such as:
Once you've been speaking for about six months, you will find the business starts coming to you. You will have event planners calling your to speak at their events. You will have radio programs and newspaper reporters calling to set up interviews and as long as you keep up with your efforts, the amount of activity you experience will only increase.