Susannah Lippman is founder and President of Alphasonics International, the company that pioneered much of the top technology to make subliminals work more powerfully than before. When psychologists tested all brands, Alphasonics high tech programs were the only ones recommended, and chosen for use with their patients and for themselves. Susannah founded Alphasonics in 1987, after discovering breakthroughs in subliminal research, to bring this new generation of potent personal growth tools to the public. For over 20 years their tapes and CDs have been used worldwide, by individuals and by practitioners who offer them to patients. Susannah holds a master’s degree in communications, has been a teacher of speech and communications, a writer, a producer for educational television, and Director of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, Eastern Region. She is author of "The Truth about Subliminal Audios," a portion of which was included in SelfGrowth's own book, 101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life. The complete report is available at