Our holistic health clinic has many powerful healing techniques to bring patients back to health without side effects. Some of these are: naturopathy, applied kinesiology, contact reflex analysis, Biomeridian electro-dermal testing, heart endocardiograph testing, hair analysis, saliva lab testing, neurotransmitter testing, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, myofascial release, emotional freedom technique, deep tissue massage, massage, chi kung healing, chi kung healing exercises, soft tissue manipulation, stress reduction, acupuncture, chiropractic, ionic foot detoxification, detoxification, herbology, nutrition, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, and more.
Everyone's health can be greatly improved. Our health clinic helps each patient maximize their health which means a much better life experience. No matter what your health problem, holistic medicine can help you recover. Our clinic uses natural healing methods, free of side effects, to bring the body and mind back to balance. Western medicine has side effects, holistic medicine finds the reason for the disease, and helps heal the body with natural, holistic methods.
Our clinic provides free consultations to provide information to each new patient. Many people are looking for holistic treatments, but don't know where to find them. We believe our clinic is one of the most advanced in the country. The first Tuesday of each month, we give a free lecture to the public on the leading health topics. There is much to learn in order to make good health decisions, including western medicine. We are available to help you.