Everyone loves Bio's. But I'll do my best to let you know how I can help you, and why I'm expert in this field, if anyone can truly be an expert regarding the internet.
I was born in 1971, which puts me about the perfect age to catch the real first wave of home computers. I was fortunate I found my first computer in grade 6, a TSR80, I'm not expecting many of you to remember it but it gave me the bug. The first time I made it display my name on the screen, I knew that computers would change the world.
At the same time, I was earning my spending money by selling my homemade donuts door to door. So from a young age, I had the combined interest of business, specifically marketing and computers.
I'm going skip forward a few years and start to bring this into focus for you. How I help my clients and why I can help you?
So we'll jump to college, I had spent a year taking a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and realized that the there was no focus on marketing or sales. Let's face nothing happens till the sale is made. So I left, changed focus and went to college for a three years getting diploma in marketing. PC's had started to hit their stride now. We were still using DOS, but wordperfect, DBase and Excel were growing. I was working at the Royal Bank and my first epiphany hit me. We had a large list of names, and currently everytime we needed to send a large mailing to a bunch of customers we were doing it all manually. 6 admin staff typing for days.
I was still in my first year of college and I decided to make my first real executive decision. The problem of course is I was part time kid, not an executive. However, I made my move and ordered a laser printer and sheet feeder for a few thousand dollars. When it arrive, everyone had snakes coming out of their head. All they saw was a typewriter without a keyboard. What I saw was Wordperfect, Excel and 3000 letters going out in one day. That's exactly what happened. My second epiphany hit me. Computers are going to change they way we market to our clients. We can remain in contact easier!
By my third year in college, the interenet was just starting to make it's way into the general population. The Web was not really a term yet, and websites were still unheard of. But just a few short years later, webpages exploded. Frankly I've never turned back. My whole life had been focused on this exact combination, massive reach, extremely personalization, low cost relationship building and accountable advertising. It was the holy grail of marketing.
Now I work with companies, who want to improve social media exposure, improve pay per click conversion and cost. I consult on web page conversion. I help companies focus on email relationships, and that valuable content is king, not content in general.
So that's my bio, that's why I think someone might call me an expert, but in truth I'm always a student.