We have a team of professors,doctors, and other experts who do workshops for bipolar clients, friends and family, therapists, and anyone interested in learning more about mental health conditions. Descriptions of the various workshops are at http://www.bipolaradvantage.com/AdvantageProgram/Education/Education.php
The problem is not that we are mentally ill; The problem is that we experience 150% of what 'normal' people do and we are frustrated that we have not yet learned how to handle it. - The Depression Advantage
Doing the hard work to get a handle on this condition is the hardest thing you will ever do, except for one thing - not doing it - The Depression Advantage
We must understand that our beliefs about what we can achieve create the limits of our success. - Bipolar In Order
The mental health field is plagued with the bigotry of low expectations. Far too many people are talking about "changing the stigma," while creating the worst stigma of all--the idea that we are not capable of achieving greatness. - Bipolar In Order
Bipolar In Order is about defining success on our terms, developing the skills to achieve it, and doing the work necessary to turn it into a reality. - Bipolar In Order
Bipolar Advantage
PO Box 923
Tiburon, CA 94920
Website Contact Form for email - http://www.bipolaradvantage.com/AboutUs/ContactUs.php