I has over 20 years experince in life, business and relationships.
-Three professional degrees
-Professional Coach
-National Motivational Speaker
-President of a $1mil company
-Networking expert
-Small Business Consultant
-22 yrs. U.S. Military (Iraq, Bosnia)
-Creativity and Idea expert
-Trainer and corportate advisor
-Real Estate PRO!
Focused on break outs in your professional life. Promotions, new ventures, career success, new ideas and more.
Focused on you!
Forward looking
Goal setting
Reaching new highs in life
Speechs: "It does'nt take a rocket scientist to go to the moon!", "7 minutes to sucess", "Widows of opportunity always stay open", "How to climb a mountain", "The rear veiw mirror" and more......
I have years of success in the areas of people management, project development and increased cash flow. Lets partner to increase your bottom line.
P and L reveiw
Vendor reveiw
Developing raving fans
Motivate and train the best people
Find new ways to create profit
Marketing and advertising resources and ideas
Business plans and strat plans
Visit the contact page and request my FREE newsletter filled with tools and motivational tips to help you reach the top!
"Many believe that self-help and self-improvement is about rags to riches, failure to success, and so forth, when indeed it is the beginning of a journey into self-discovery. Inside every human being is an eternal truth and a life purpose. Using our mind power is simply starting the engine on that journey of self-discovery and highest self-actualization." - Eldon Taylor
I encourage you to visit me here: www.victorbrett.com
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