Zannie Rose is an expert in DNA 12 Strand Activation
All the flowers of all your tomorrows are in the seeds of today
Would you like to experience for yourself some of what others have reported
* open up higher energy & renewed youthfulness, more zest for life?
* like the idea of old patterns dissolving to make way for new ones
* would like to know how it feels to have Intuition deepening, finer meditations, powerful perceptions?
* want feel more effective at what you do
* immune system strengthening and your body becoming lighter
* ablility to identify to strengthen functional patterns?
* cells have the ability to heal quicker
* enhanced creativity, including musical creativity
* intracellular communication is strengthened
* inner sight becoming clearer and hearing your Higher Self's guidance more often
* starting the process of moving outside of linear time
* memory become sharper and communication becomes more precise
* you stay focused and in the moment
* you have a better understanding of your purpose in life
To arrange your DNA 12 Strand Activation by telephone