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Transforming TraumaTransforming Trauma offers holistic options for helping people recover from trauma. We work holistically, meaning that we treat the person as a whole -- both mind and body.
At The Bottom Of My Gin Cup I Found Tearamblings of an alcoholic, tea connoisseur; notes from a decade wasted. my struggle to get sober and a little bit of tea. Views: 2
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Aurora's Dreams: The Moon's GuidanceAurora was the Roman goddess of the dawn. This was the name of The Sleeping Beauty, a story about a reawakening at the dawn of a new life, a new consciousness. Aurora represents the real you. She is not a fake shell. She is not a magic spirit. She is not a dream. She is the real you, the person you were meant to be. Views: 2
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Beauty For AshesWe provide asst for Single &Foster Parents & Victims of Domestic Violence in So. Nevada to find the American Dream, Home Ownership. After the successful purchase of their home, we will return up to 1.5% of the purchase price of the home they have purchased. Not to exceed $5,000... Views: 2
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Chaaon - Sab k LiyeAims to eradicate common atrocities in our society today. By taking into account various aspects, including Animal & Child abuse, and so as to implement imperative steps against them. The idea is to create awareness and convince a positive perspective & talks about the common adverse practices taking place in the society. Views: 2
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Dene Ballantine, PhD(c)Free links to radio podcasts, articles, and excellent information. Views: 2
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Doing Your Work: The Pathway of the Whole Persondoing your work is the result of 21 years of working with clients in their emotional recovery to bring acceptance, love and true healing to the wounding that we acquire in our families and relationships. The goal is to liberate our emotional voice and move into being a whole person. Views: 2
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douglas forestaPersonal website that offers services including phone consultations for individuals struggling with addictive and compulsive behaviors. Views: 2
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Dr. Ni's ProductsDr. Ni writes about her recovery from childhood trauma, living with an eating disorder, and achieving despite all that tries to keep her from success. She lauds those who have helped and inspire her, and she holds accountable (with love) those who have complicated her growth. Views: 2
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Dr. Niama Williams, Author and Intuitive CounselorDr. Niama Williams is an author and intuitive counselor who seeks to embolden you to blow up any barriers preventing you from stepping into the life of your dreams. Views: 2
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Drkathiemathis.comTraining, Coaching, Interim Administrative Services, Counseling and workshops. Views: 2
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Elder CareNegligence and abuse in nursing homes have become major issues our society is faced with. Far too often, these crimes go unnoticed and our elder community does not get the help they need to overcome these situations. Knapp & Roberts, PLC are Phoenix Elder Abuse Attorneys that are experts in these matters and can help you . Views: 2
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Ellenscouch.comMy website describes the services I provide in the area of counseling and psychotherapy. Views: 2
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FREED I amListeners are empowered and freed from addictions by increasing self-love and acceptance. Views: 2
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HEAL & GROW for ACoAsTransformative psychotherapy for ACoAs (adults from alcoholic families: "Learn how to think clearer, to like who you are, feel safer with others, express your talents & have fun" Views: 2
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Integral RecoveryIntegral Recovery is an alternative, holistic recovery program for substance abuse and addiction, and depression, designed to help you overcome your challenges by learning powerful life practices that help you heal, transform and awaken. Views: 2
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