Anthony Robbins | Brian Tracy | Norman Vincent Peale | Zig Ziglar | Stephen Covey | Oprah Winfrey | Dale Carnegie | Eckhart Tolle |
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John Gottman | Ellen Kreidman | Gay Hendricks and Katie Hendricks | John Bradshaw | Leo Buscaglia | John Gray | Harville Hendrix | Dr. Ruth Westheimer |
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Andrew Weil | Bill Phillips | Robert Atkins | Richard Simmons | Denise Austin | Gary Null | Dean Ornish | Kathy Smith |
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Dave Ramsey | Warren Buffett | David Bach | Ken Blanchard | Napoleon Hill | John Maxwell | Suze Orman |
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Albert Ellis | David Burns | Joyce Brothers | Carl Jung | Abraham Maslow | Phil McGraw | Laura Schlessinger | Martin Seligman |
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Caroline Myss | Marianne Williamson | Byron Katie | Sylvia Browne | Deepak Chopra | Paulo Coelho | Wayne Dyer | Louise Hay |
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Mary Kay Ash | Emeril Lagasse | Rachael Ray | Cheryl Richardson | Martha Stewart | Cesar Millan | Barefoot Contessa | Ty Pennington |
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