We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Achievement". If you have expertise in Achievement and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Below is a video clip of a gentleman named Ruben Ruiz from San Marcos, Texas.
Ruben is a highly successful attorney located in the San Antonio, Texas area. He specializes in working with Hispanics and teaching them how to build long-lasting financial independence.
He is the author of a book ... Views: 1194
Below is a video clip of a gentleman named Charlie "Tremendous" Jones of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
Charlie, or Mr. Tremendous as they call him, is quite simply, one of the nicest men I have ever met. He is a professional motivational speaker and owns a highly successful book wholesale ... Views: 1179
When One Believes They Are Ready, They Are Ready
Believing In Yourself
Belief in one's self is one of the most important prerequisites to success. In fact, I personally believe it is THE most important prerequisite.
People who do not believe in themselves will, quite often, fail to ... Views: 1247
I was fortunate enough to be mentored by Dr. Jeff Spencer (team chiropractor for the US Postal Cycling Team and Lance Armstrong). At a seminar Dr. Spencer shared a story about Lance and how he made it through his bout with cancer. Dr. Spencer asked Lance how he was able to overcome cancer and ... Views: 1504
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***Taking Risks - by Stanley F. Bronstein - Mr Achievement, the Official Guide to Achievement
Taking Risks
He Who Is Not Courageous Enough To Take Risks Will Accomplish Nothing
(Muhammad Ali)
Are You Afraid To Take Chances
In my business and personal life, I've observed many incidences when clients, friends and acquaintances were afraid to take chances. They frequently wanted to play ... Views: 1162
Carpe Diem
Seize The Day
Today Is The Day
Today is another fine day in which to excel. One of my college accounting professors would start every class with that statement. I must admit, the first time I heard him say it, I did not take him very seriously. I have since come to see the wisdom in ... Views: 1443
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*** Handling Difficulties - by Stanley F. Bronstein - Mr Achievement, the Official Guide to Achievement
Attempt Easy Tasks As If They Were Difficult
And Difficult Tasks As If They Were Easy
(Baltasar Gracián)
Getting Started On A Difficult Task
Together, we are embarking upon a path designed to help you identify your purpose in life. For some people, this task can be quite difficult. For ... Views: 1363
Wherever I go, people ask me, what is Achievement IQ™?
I then explain to them that Achievement IQ™ is a non-numerical measure of how well a person, or an organization does 4 things:
VISION - Do they see details and opportunities that most others do not see?
ATTRACTION - Do they ... Views: 1260
By Tom Breitenbach
Certified FocalPoint Executive & Business Coach
FocalPoint, Powered by Brian Tracy, Coaching Excellence
Why is it that some businesses flourish and prosper, sometimes completely regenerating themselves each year, while others fail? Perhaps thinking like a “Springtime ... Views: 1108
If you’ve heard about “The Secret”, you’ve no doubt heard about the Law of Attraction. But, have you heard about Achievement IQ™?
Achievement IQ™ is more comprehensive and even more powerful than the Law of Attraction.
The 2 premises behind Achievement ... Views: 1171
The attitude you present tells others who you are, what you are and what to expect from you. When you are viewed as having a great attitude, many more people will naturally gravitate toward you and often will be willing to help you in some way.
The most successful students, leaders and ... Views: 11254
“If it is to be, it’s up to me!”
As with most truths, this adage is quite simple. It speaks to the fact that high achievers have high attitudes of self-reliance and take full responsibility for achieving their goals. The often arduous path to goal achievement is strewn with ... Views: 2673
How many times have you had a bad day when everything seemed to go wrong at the worst possible moment? You failed to achieve most of your goals and felt that the universe was against you.
Perhaps, the universe was to blame or perhaps you were to blame because you expected things to go wrong. We ... Views: 1092
Where you focus that is where your attention will go. Because of this human phenomena when you hold an image, and visualize an outcome, you empower yourself to move in that direction.
I cannot overemphasize the importance of holding a clear picture in your imagination of what you want as part ... Views: 1460
Here are a few of my daily habits that have contributed to my success:
Read, read, read! I could not begin to tell you how many personal development books, articles, blogs and sites that I have read. I love to keep up with the latest. Information being disseminated is prolific and the ... Views: 2214
T’ai-chi ch’uan, also spelled taijiquan and tai chi chuan, is a martial art that many people practice for promoting good health, balance and for stress reduction. The interest in it as a martial art has resurrected in recent years, as has t’ai-chi competition. Some ... Views: 2606
(This is Part 3 of a series of articles by the author on Finding and Following Your Life Purpose and Passion).
What are the signs that you're on the right track and on the way to, or actually already living your life with true purpose, real meaning and passion, and fulfilling your true ... Views: 2015
I first became involved with self hypnosis as a young sprinter around the age of 20. I dreamed of being an Olympic champion, but I was faced with a major challenge. A psychological barrier, my first real obstacle, stood in my way.
It was a work-out that only a few elite athletes in the world ... Views: 1368
These two eBay selling tips are about something extremely critical… pricing research. Don’t think that just because you know how much an item costs at wholesale will show you how much profit you’re likely to make. Carrying out some very important research is essential to a successful eBay ... Views: 1426
Within is the person we really are. Within lies our very existence. And only from within can we make it happen. This is where our very all subsists. Within you is the ability, the “what it takes” to make it all happen for you, just the way you want it. WITHIN! WITHIN!! WITHIN!!! Oh what a place! ... Views: 1751
Some of us treat each moment as if it's a scarce commodity, trying to get as much crammed in as we can. Others among us casually toss away the moment, like so much excess fluff. As a former Type Adriven corporate executive, I began to search for meaning in my life ten years ago, when I was ... Views: 6060
I walked out of his office inspired. All I could immediately recall were those soft-spoken words, “STAY WITH IT”. They were from no less a person than Rev. Sam Adeyemi of Success Power fame, on whom I had gone to pay a courtesy call. The first time we met was two years earlier when he came to my ... Views: 2457
I never fit in no matter how hard I tried. I just had to be adopted. There was no way I could be a biological part of the family I was living with. These were my innermost thoughts, maybe even my hopes, for years.
I wasn’t like my cousins, didn’t follow the rules easily, hated taking care of ... Views: 2430