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Your Body, Your ResponsibilityThis site is devoted to teaching the reader how their body functions. The Alignment Resistance Training Method is the methodology that people need to learn to become better body operators. This site contains links for our books and other teaching products. Views: 27
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Beach Bodyworks...The Healing SpaHolistic Body Spa & Wellness Day Retreat, providing spa transformation since 2000 and healing methodology since 1996. Slimming spa treatments, plastic surgery alternatives, longevity therapies, and holistic healing methods provided in private sessions by appointment only. Views: 26
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Best Anti-Aging ProductsAt Best Anti-Aging Products we analyze many of the products on the market that are designed to reverse the effects of aging. We also collect reviews and feedback from customers using the product. Views: 26
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Rejuvenate WorldwideCommitted to helping people stay youthful and vibrant, Rejuvenate Worldwide is the ONLY company in the industry to bring you the next generation of age defying products. From our world class manufacturing facility to using only top quality natural and organic raw materials, our innovative formulas get results! Views: 26
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Facial Exercising by FacerciseFacercise offers a healthy and safe alternative to plastic surgery through the use of anti aging facial excercises Views: 25
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La Vita Vital Youth Rejuvenation Expertsyouth rejuvenation with the LiveStyle program and Life Cleanse program for a complete holistic health plan for life that is obtainable and sustainable. Consulting, coaching, lifestyle programs, corporate and personal retreats and rejuvenation resources and products. Views: 25
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Mindymccortney.comI offer health and beauty items to defy aging inside and out!
Nutrition, skin care and makeup in partnership with Jennifer and Sylvester Stallone. Views: 24
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My Nepri SkincareNepri Skincare offers high quality skincare products, moisturizers, anti-aging creams, eye creams and lotions. Views: 24
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Richard Coldman's WeblogMy site’s about health, well-being and ways to extend our joyful and useful existence on this dear old beloved planet beneath our feet, while embracing more of the possibilities of a cosmos of which we are only dimly aware. Views: 24
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A1 plazan cosmetic skin carePlazan Skin Care offers a range of Plazan Cosmeceuticals. Plazan natural skin care products. Some Perfection Is Debatable..Some is not..Discover the secret of eternal youth, 100% compatible, even for the most sensitive skin types Views: 23
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Chiro Medical CareOur focus is Improving Quality of Life, Ability and Performance. We treat each paerson as an Individual and the way we would want to be treated. Views: 23
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GBG.Vitamin/MineralSupliment+ Master AntioxidentGBG.is a vitamin/mineral supliment in liquid form with 9 other important age defying ingredients. Priced at less than $1.00 a day. We help rebuild your body,one cell at a time. Views: 23
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