When a couple is surviving an affair they are struggling with regaining the trust because after one of the partners has cheated, the other one is doubting about the cheater's ability to heal after the affair and repairing the relationship. After a spouse has cheated the task of rebuilding the trust may seem impossible but in reality it is possible but it's also very hard.

Here are 3 important rules to help you surviving an affair:

Rule #1: Be completely honest and transparent. This is the first rule for implementing your communication skills and must be based on honesty. Learn how to discuss with your spouse about all your secrets and try to create a relationship based on trust. When surviving an affair it is very important to follow a guideline of transparency and honesty because otherwise you will always have in mind questions about your spouse without clear answers.

Rule #2: Set ground rules for questioning your spouse. To be 100% honest can not always be very good because if you have questions that you are not sure you want the answers to then is better to wait until you are ready. Surviving an affair takes a lot of efforts and this is one of them. Also you shouldn't use honesty to make your cheating spouse to feel more guilty because your long-term goal is to heal not to deepen the problem.

It is very helpful if the partners are making a list of which questions are okay to ask and which are not and also when they answer them is better to do it with diplomacy and in the same time with honesty because this way surviving an affair can become possible.

Rule #3: Schedule a time in which to talk. When you are surviving an affair it is very hard to communicate especially choosing the right time to do it can be also very hard and that is why the two partners should discuss about a date and place when they will talk about their problems in the relationship and have the time to answer questions that the other one is having about the affair. It may seem strange at the beginning but you have to structure your communication until you repair your marriage and conversations will feel natural once again.

Implementing these rules will take time and effort when surviving an affair but each rule is designed to help your marriage to move forward and regain that powerful connection between you two.

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If you want more information on how to survive an affair after your spouse cheated on you, this is a great resource: http://www.surviving-affair.com.

There is also a really great FREE course that deals with some of the most complicated issues that people need help with after an affair. Click Here Now to get that FREE course.