“When I came for treatment I was unable to see any way out of my current situation. Since working with Michael the way forward has been clear and obvious. I haven't looked back since! “ Sarah

Sarah is a high-flying Corporate Management Consultant who was stuck in the fear of not knowing how she could move forward. Her ability to perform was second to none and the financial rewards quantified it on one level. But on another level, she wasn’t being fully fulfilled…she was unable to see any way out of her current situation.

Sarah needed to find a way forward and turned to Michael Cohen, the founder of Bioenergy Healing. What was so inviting for Sarah to work with Michael and Bioenergy Healing was his approach. It offered a single source of treatment. Accompanied with that, was the knowing that she didn’t have to work out what she had to do and neither did she have any homework.

The fact that Bioenergy Healing is a non-invasive, hands-on/off technique that could potentially transform her perception of their world by way of re-wiring her brain seemed the option that resonated well with her.

What emerged from the treatment sessions was truly enlightening for Sarah. It’s how Michael describes the Jigsaw Affect. He scanned her body with his eyes. Found the primary blockage in her body’s system at that moment in time and using manipulation / stretching energy techniques he then released it. A shift took place and the first piece of the jigsaw fell into place. He then re-scanned her body and followed the same process.

Every shift was different. Some were emotional or intellectual others were so subtle that Sarah only realised a shift had happened when she went to action something and her perception, response and outcome had changed…he had re-wired her brain without discussing one issue with her.

Bioenergy Healing is a non-invasive, hands-on/off technique that is used to access the client’s energy circuitry system, to enhance dramatically their own body's ability to repair and function.

The dynamic and unique Bio Energy Healing techniques of scanning and treating the body moves treatment beyond the textbook and most importantly Sarah didn’t have to delve into the past.

What transpired for Sarah was that she was now functioning in 5th gear with clarity, focus, confidence and self-esteem. This has culminated in her now owning her own Corporate Management Consultancy with a clear and defined projected outcome.

For full details on Bioenergy Healing Treatment, case studies, research and training visit www.bioenergyhealing.org.uk

Author's Bio: 

Author - Michael Cohen

Founder of the Bioenergy Healing Research Foundation
Founder of RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Technique

Michael Cohen, founder of the Bioenergy Healing Research Foundation is an acknowledged expert in the field of Bioenergy Healing. His Bioenergy Healing Clinic in London W1 specialises in treating debilitating, difficult and long-term symptoms.

Michael’s ongoing exploratory and experimental approach to his work is at the cutting edge of Bio-energy medicine and healing treatment. Most importantly they have led to the extraordinary high level of results and his work continues to push the boundaries of human: rehabilitation, development and potential.


Bioenergy Healing Research Foundation, London
Tel: 0845 456 1336
Email: info@bioenergyhealing.org.uk
Web: www.bioenergyhealing.org.uk