In my opinion, beliefs are one of the most critical and determining factors in our success. Beliefs are something that I have been very interested and intrigued by for many years. I think that our beliefs hold the key or magic ingredient for creating what we want in our lives.

Our beliefs are what we hold to be true. They are our guiding principles. What we believe is very powerful. Most times we take action based on whether or not we believe we will be successful. Beliefs are intangible. We cannot reach out and touch them. However, we do have evidence of them. Take a look at your life. Is it exactly as you would like it? Are you currently achieving the results you want? Your current results are a mirror for what you believe.

Remember, your beliefs reside in your unconscious awareness. Research says that most of your core beliefs were formed by the time you were seven years old. Your current belief system was formed by your parents, grandparents, teachers, religious figures and other authority figures that were in your life when you were just a small child. You may think you know what you believe, however the beliefs that are driving your actions and therefore your results are probably not in your conscious awareness.

That is why if we want to change our lives and create different results we must change our belief system. We must learn how to become consciously aware of our limiting beliefs and change them. This is not the easiest task and may require some help. For those of you who are already members of Decide Your Life, you know that recognizing limiting beliefs and replacing them with more resourceful ones is something we do frequently in our group coaching calls.

I would like to give you, both members and non-members, a small exercise to help bring some of your limiting beliefs into your conscious awareness. For awareness is the first step to change.

For this exercise we are going to use owning your own business as the example. Of course you may always substitute another area of your life if you wish.

Step 1 – Think of your business (or other area of your life) at it’s current state and level of results.

Step 2 – Now, think of your business (or other area of your life) as if you have achieved the level of results you desire.

Step 3 – Say to your self, “ I currently have the results and achievements I want in my business.” (or other area of your life)

Step 4 - Write down the thoughts that enter your mind. Write down the feelings or emotions you feel as you say, “ I currently have the results I want in my business”.

If you get thoughts such as, “Well, hopefully someday I will” or “Slowly, but surely”….”When I actually have the time to focus on my business I will” or you get feelings of doubt, anxiousness or maybe fear, more than likely there is a belief somewhere in your unconscious awareness that is holding you back. The key is discovering that belief and every time it pops up, stop and replace the thought with one that is more powerful and act as if that belief is true! When you believe it you will see it!!

Author's Bio: 

Georgee Low is the CEO of Decide Your Life, an organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs gain more freedom, fun and fortunes through their business. She is committed and passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve success with less stress and more fun. Her agenda is your success. For more information visit our website at