Fear is a feeling that causes us harm in many ways most of which are not seen by us.
One way fear hurts us is that we don’t do things we would like to do. We don’t do things that would help us achieve our goals because we are afraid. We fear the consequences, the loss of our precious security blanket. So, we sit paralyzed by fear, frustrated because we know we have more inside of us than the life we are living.
We live afraid of what will happen to us. If “this” happens then “that” will happen to me. You can fill in the blanks as to what “this” and “that” are for you. We all have many, many of those fears we carry around with us, preventing us from acting. These fears are thoughts and feelings that we put in long ago and they continue to operate in our lives exactly as a computer program continues to operate in a computer unless it is taken out.
This fear program keeps coming up and making us unhappy, ruining our lives, just as a faulty computer program keeps coming up and ruining the computer. Fear is negative, fear scares us, and fear makes us feel bad. Just ask yourself, what would you do in your life right now if you were fearless, free of fear?
Sometimes, however, it’s not inaction that fear provokes but action which is harmful to us such as taking prescription drugs so we can numb ourselves to the fear.
As we readily see, fear is a negative energy that does not help us. In fact, it is very harmful to us, our happiness, our peace. How can we possibly be happy, how can we possibly be positive when we are carrying around a basketful of fears?
Someone, probably a superstitious person---meaning a fearful person---very likely passed the message along to us that we should not think of horrible, terrible, horrific things because if we do, the things will happen to us. So, instead we shove those fear thoughts, those fearful imaginings down into the depths of our subconscious. Guess what? Those fears are still there operating 24 hours a day. That negativity is operating all the time. If we can think of the thing, the event, the situation, it is lurking in our subconscious, our mental computer.
In the Release Technique, we learn to stop suppressing and collecting our feelings. When fear comes roaring up out of the darkness we don’t shove it back down into the cave. That’s what we have been doing all our life. We have been collecting our fears which keeps us frightened and on edge all the time. In the Release Technique, we learn when these fears come into our awareness we can do something different, we can apply our Release Technique skills and the fear cannot bother us. We learn to have something different, we have to do something different.
Fear no longer needs to rule and ruin our lives. Go to www.releasetechnique.com and get started today to never let fear bother you again.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson
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