If you feel stretched, pulled and overwhelmed please don't pull out that gorgeous hair of yours! There is a way to handle LIFE and BUSINESS that puts you in a cool state of calm and definitely in control!

1. Make a list of ALL there is to do, including decisions you have to make. More than likely not all of it has to be done or decided today. What, in this MOMENT, needs your attention? What decisions need to be made, RIGHT NOW? This is especially important if you have a tendency of collapsing everything you have to do into one big clump. (Do you see me raising my hand right now?)

Special note regarding decisions: The decisions you make are either confirming the life you want to create or taking you away from it. Make power- filled decisions that take you closer to what you want. This might require you say "no" just as much as you say "yes".

2. Choose 2-3 items from your list. If your list is smaller then start with just 1 item. More than likely there are no "rights and wrongs" here. Decide on what to tackle first and then...

3. Take action. There are a few ways to do start; 1) Pick the easiest thing to do and do it first. Or, 2) Pick the BIG ONE and do that one first! Either way, once you get one thing done or make one decision the pump is primed for more to follow.

Special note: What do you do if you feel stuck? Talk to a coach, colleague or friend and ask for advice. Go for a walk in nature or get your body moving in some other way. If you're faced with decisions or tasks that are going to stretch you consider listening to inspiring CD's or reading a quick chapter in an inspiring book that will help you focus and remind you of what you're really made of.

4. Cross completed items off your list. One of the treasures of list making is that you get the pleasure of crossing things OFF your list when they are complete! Give yourself the satisfaction of doing this step. At the end of the day you'll have proof you've made progress.

5. Make a new list. Before you end the day make a new list for the next day. That way in the morning you'll start your day with focus. If there are things on your current list you didn't complete then move them to the next day's list.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you have a lot to do and a lot of decisions to make. Following this "get it done" formula will help you focus on and accomplish those things that will lead you in the direction you want to go.

Author's Bio: 

Cari Vollmer, The Passions into Profit Mentor and Founder of LifeOnTrack.com shows you How to Turn Your Passions into Purpose, Freedom and Profit. To receive her F.R.E.E. Special Report, 3 Keys for Turning Your Passions into Profit and receive her weekly how-to articles visit www.LifeOnTrack.com.