Your mind is not your friend.
Your mind is in the business of keeping you controlled, captive and negative.
Your mind wants you to think you are owned by it.
One of its tools is guilt.
What value is the feeling of guilt? How does it help you? How does it make you feel better? How does it make you more positive, more loving, more happy, more abundant, more successful? You immediately see guilt is of absolutely no value to you. Your mind tells you guilt helps you by keeping you from repeating the behavior you are feeling guilty about. A lie. That’s your mind telling you a lie. Guilt makes you prone to the same behavior that got you feeling guilty.
Guilt does nothing positive for you.
You say or do something you have decided is bad. You feel guilty. You go into fear of the consequences of whatever you said or did. Something bad will happen to you unless you punish yourself, says your lying mind.
You add whatever you feel guilty about to your subconscious negativity file in your mental computer. You go on with your life, one more thing in your subconscious mind to feel bad about. And, you go on with your life with this negativity clouding your view of the world. You go on with this additional bit of negativity coloring your view of everything you look at. It’s like putting on a pair of eyeglasses clouded over by all the guilt you have collected over time. Are you beginning to see how guilt robs you of your happiness, your love, your abundance?
And, guess what? Are you starting to see it? This guilt keeps you holding onto the thought you are not a good a person, you are a bad person, undeserving of good things. There is a hell alright. The hell is the feeling, the belief you are bad, deserving of punishment. That is hell and that is a lie.
Guilt is one of the feelings that keeps you locked in negativity. Each bit of negativity you have collected, blocks out a bit of positivity. Do you see how negativity blocks you from having all the love that you naturally are, all the happiness that you naturally are, all the perfect health that you naturally are, all the abundance that you naturally are? Do you see how the negativity you have collected, negativity such as guilt, how all this negativity robs you of your life, your aliveness?
Your mind is saying, you’ve done or said all of these things, you’ve hurt people with actions and words. That’s the very same mind that told you to do or say those things! Do you see what your mind is doing? Are you catching on to your mind’s game?
Look what’s been happening. Look how this game of guilt has you holding onto thoughts in your mind about doing and saying bad things, wrong things, hurtful things, negative things. How does it help you to hold onto all those garbage thoughts and feelings? It does not help you one iota, does it?
Your mind is a collection---let’s say it another way---you have collected all of those guilty feelings and you are holding them in your mind. Each and every one of those things is running in the background of your life. Is it any surprise you are not as happy as you could be? Is it any wonder you keep doing the same hurtful actions over and over and over again?
You could become pessimistic when you see the truth of what you have been reading here. You know what has been said is true yet you see no way out.
There is a way out. The way out is the Release Technique. The Release Technique gives you the tools, the skills to turn all of this upside down. With the Release Technique you have the tools to go into your mental computer and delete all the guilt, all the fear, all those negative feelings.
With the Release Technique you become optimistic because you know you can rid yourself of all that mental garbage. All you have to do is apply your Release Technique method. Learn how to acquire those skills. Go to and get started learning how to be positive and happy all the time.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson
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