This guide is to assist those who have the courage to Home School their children, especially these children being born now.
I want to take a moment to thank you – on behalf of the children God has entrusted you with. Most of these children do not deserve the label of Developmentally Delayed “Special Education” students. These children probably will not develop at the same time the current education system believes the children should develop. These children will achieve greatness with proper caring, nutrition, behavior modeling, security and trust.
All of us learn differently. Some are visual learners, some learn by a “hands-on “approach. Some people can learn just by listening. Some people need a combination of approaches to assimilate and understand the lessons being taught. These beautiful children are no different. As a parent/educator, it is a necessity to learn which method or methods enable your child to assimilate the knowledge or concepts that are to be learned. This may take some time and experimenting and all methods must be considered. Once the method your child learns by is assessed, life and lessons will move much smoother and more harmoniously for all of the family.
Some of us think literally “on our feet”. If the child learns more while moving around, please do not discourage him/her. All children want to succeed and enjoy praise and the satisfaction of a job well done. Their will be plenty of sitting time as the child grows older.
If possible, look into the child’s eyes while asking them to perform a task or to ask them to repeat the instructions for the task so that you can be sure that they really understand what it is that you are asking them to do. Always praise even the smallest tasks done correctly. Never make the child feel bad – even if it takes several times to complete the task correctly.
With Trust, Love, and Communication (T.L.C.) these young people will grow up to anchor the frequencies of “Heaven on Earth” right here on Earth!
Grow and nurture a relationship of complete honesty and trust with your children. Children delight and grow with encouragement. They really do want to learn. Teach them through your actions as much as by your words so that they are growing in a safe, loving environment.
Some of the children being born now appear to be shy and insecure. It is only necessary to look at the times they are being born into to realize and acknowledge the insecurity that appears to be world wide at this time. It is up to you to provide the love and security necessary for their growth. These children must be able to trust you at your word as well as on the action level in order for them to grow and reach their potential.
Love is the main ingredient in this alchemical mix. With God and love, all things are possible.

Author's Bio: 

I have worked with special needs students for almost twenty years.