With infidelity reaching epidemic proportions, every woman should learn how to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity. The future of her relationship could depend on her ability to spot the telltale signs in time. In view of the rapidly rising divorce rates, and current statistics showing that 50% to 70% of men cheat on their mates, a wife can no longer afford to be the "last one to know."
Every woman’s personal library should contain a reference book on how to recognize the warning signs of infidelity. "Is He Cheating On You? - 829 Telltale Signs" is a comprehensive guide which lists practically every known cheating sign. The 800+ signs of infidelity in this book are divided into 21 categories so a woman can easily locate the signs that apply to her mate. What’s unique about the warning signs listed here is that once a woman knows what to look for, any of these signs can be easily found using only her eyes and ears, her personal knowledge of her husband, and the information provided in the book. No special skills or equipment are required.
Each of the 21 categories is explained below along with the number of telltale signs listed under that category. While some women make it a point to check each of the 21 categories, others will only check the particular categories that seem to apply to their marriage or their mate. To insure that no one overlooks an important telltale sign, some of the signs (about a dozen) are listed under more than one category.
For example:
“He always calls a certain female to share the special events in his life.”
This sign is listed under Telephone Tip-Offs and again under His Behavior Around Other Women.
“He starts showering you with gifts or buying you flowers for no special reason”
This sign is listed under How He Relates to You and also under Gifts.
“You find deposit slips in his possession for someone else’s bank account.”
This sign is listed under Financial Affairs as well as under Physical Evidence.
Despite its title, "Is He Cheating On You? - 829 Telltale Signs". actually contains 950 telltale signs. Additional signs were added before the final version of this infidelity book was printed. Readers continue to send in telltale signs they have personally discovered which did not appear in the book.
Continue reading for details on the 21 major categories of telltale signs. When you finish, be sure to visit http://www.IsHeCheatingOnYou.com for more information on cheating husbands and signs of infidelity. Remember you can’t afford to be the last one to know.
1. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - 76 telltale signs
A man having an affair (or even thinking about having one) will want to make himself more attractive. He will begin to enhance his appearance in some way. Be alert for changes in his wardrobe, his grooming, his body, and his personal hygiene. These are usually the most visible signs of infidelity. If he embarks on a drastic self-induced makeover, it’s probably not for you. More than likely he’s trying to attract or impress someone else.
2. HOW HE RELATES TO YOU - 70 telltale signs
The way your husband relates to you can provide many telltale signs. His involvement with another woman will cause him to treat you differently -- even on a subconscious level. This is one of those areas where a wife can pick up signs of infidelity that a private investigator might otherwise overlook.
3. CONVERSATIONAL CLUES - 70 telltale signs
What your husband chooses or refuses to talk about can alert you to his involvement in an extramarital affair. He may mention new people, places and things, while the people, places and things he normally talks about are no longer a part of his conversation. Even his tone of voice can be an important telltale sign.
4. WORK HABITS - 39 telltale signs
Work is commonly used as an excuse to account for large blocks of time away from home. Men often use their jobs as a cover for their extramarital affairs. Your husband’s work habits will undoubtedly change as his affair unfolds. Be on the lookout work-related telltale signs.
5. DAY-TO-DAY BEHAVIOR - 92 telltale signs
We are all creatures of habit. We all have a routine that we usually follow each day. A man who is cheating will display changes of some kind in his normal patterns of behavior. Pay close attention to any deviations in your husband’s daily routine. These deviations are telltale signs.
6. FINANCIAL AFFAIRS - 52 telltale signs
Affairs cost money. If your husband has a lover, he’ll want to wine her, dine her, entertain her and buy her occasional gifts. No matter how carefully he tries to cover his tracks, sooner or later this will be reflected in the family finances. Stay alert for financial signs of infidelity.
7. TRAVEL - 27 telltale signs
Your husband may not always be traveling for legitimate reasons. Even if he is, he may decide to combine business with a little pleasure. Travel affords a cheating unfaithful husband a unique opportunity to cheat away from prying eyes.
Be alert for changes in your husband’s attitude, personality or behavior. Whether they are drastic or subtle, changes of this type are often an indication of infidelity.
9. ABSENCES - 39 telltale signs
Affairs generally require a considerable amount of time. Since there are only 24 hours in a day, your husband’s absences will become increasingly more frequent as he tries to steal time from other activities so he can be with his lover.
10. TELEPHONE TIP-OFFS - 76 telltale signs
Illicit affairs depend on repeated contact; many of which take place by phone. These telltale signs of infidelity are relatively easy to find. Many men take the risk of calling their lovers from home or having their lovers call them at home. Many wives (like me) discover their husband’s infidelity either directly or indirectly by the telephone.
11. CAR CLUES - 40 telltale signs
Your husband’s (or the family) car can be a rich source of telltale signs. The glove compartment, car seats (underneath and between), the tire well, the underside of the visor, the ashtray, the side pockets or compartments, under the floor mats and other nooks and crannies can reveal a wealth of information.
12. SEX - 37 telltale signs
Be alert for any type of changes in the frequency or the quality of your sex life together. Most important of all: If you suspect your husband of having an affair, take steps to protect yourself. Do not put yourself at risk for HIV/AIDS, herpes or e other sexually transmitted diseases.
13. EATING HABITS - 31 telltale signs
This is an area that wives usually overlook when checking for telltale signs. But your husband’s eating habits can be influenced or affected by his lover. Without even realizing it, he may develop a preference for the type of food she eats, the way she likes her food prepared or the kind of restaurants in which she likes to eat. These are the types of telltale signs it would never occur to him to conceal.
14. SMELLS AND TASTES - 21 telltale signs
Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. You may be oblivious to it until it becomes replaced with something else. Pay close attention if your husband smells or tastes “different,” or if something in your home or car just doesn’t smell “right.” It may warrant closer investigation.
15. INVASION OF YOUR HOME - 22 telltale signs
It's not uncommon for a man who's cheating to invite his lover to his home. When this happens, it’s not unheard of for lovers to leave personal items behind--sometimes deliberately, for an unsuspecting wife to find. You will usually find evidence in your bedroom or bathroom if another woman has been in your home while you were away. But telltale signs of infidelity may turn up in other areas of your home, as well.
16. GIFTS - 19 telltale signs
Be especially vigilant around the times of the year when gifts are usually exchanged. During the holidays and various other times throughout the year, you may find gifts or cards hidden around your home or in the car. Receipts or credit card bills for gifts may turn up shortly before or after Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
17. COMPUTER USE - 30 telltale signs
It’s common these days for a cheating husband to use e-mail to communicate with his lover. Some of the telltale signs in this category may also be an indication of his involvement in an online or cyber affair. Don’t take this lightly. These affairs can be as harmful to your marriage as the real thing. Though they may not involve sexual contact, the emotional attachment can be extremely strong, and can quickly progress from cyberspace to physical reality.
18. CELL PHONES AND PAGERS/BEEPERS - 28 telltale signs
Today’s technological advances make it easier for a husband to cheat on his wife. But it’s also easier for a husband to get caught while trying to make contact or stay in touch with his lover.
19. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE - 32 telltale signs
Many times there’s physical evidence just waiting to be found. Check your husband’s wallet, his pants or jacket pockets, his desk or dresser drawers, the wastepaper basket, his closet shelves, the floor in the back of his closet, the garage, his study, filing cabinets, his workshop, his toolbox or any place else you can think of. Keep your eyes open. You’ll be surprised at the kinds of physical evidence of infidelity you can find.
20. HIS BEHAVIOR AROUND OTHER WOMEN - 71 telltale signs
Studies show that a man is most likely to have an affair with someone he already knows—a woman he comes in contact with on a regular basis – a neighbor, a coworker, a family friend or business associate. If you’re observant, you may be able to determine the identity of your husband’s lover by the way he behaves in her presence, or by how she behaves around him.
Sometimes you get lucky and find out what your husband has been up to by accident, or through some strange quirk of fate. An accidental slip-up on his part or on the part of someone else can clue you in to what’s been happening behind your back.
In this day of rampant infidelity, no woman, married or single, can risk missing or misinterpreting the telltale signs of an affair. The survival of her relationship may one day depend on her ability to recognize the warning signs in time.
Excerpts taken from "Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs"
For more information on infidelity, cheating husbands or telltale signs visit www.IsHeCheatingOnYou.com
© 2004 Ruth Houston All rights reserved.
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RUTH HOUSTON is the author of “Is He Cheating on You?-829 Telltale Signs.” For more information about the book, cheating husbands or signs of infidelity visit http://www.IsHeCheatingOnYou.com To receive a FREE Infidelity Report which includes 29 Telltale Signs, send an e-mail to CheatingSigns@aol.com
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