I was looking for love in all the wrong places, Looking for love in too many faces, Searching your eyes, looking for traces of what.. I'm dreaming of... Hopin' to find a friend and a lover, God bless the day I discover, another heart, lookin' for love;
You probably recognize the words from the Waylon Jennings song.
Isn't that how many of us in this world spend our entire life? Looking for love in too many faces and never finding it?
We are looking for love exactly where it is not, out there. Maybe when we lay in that crib with those doting adults hovering over us, maybe that's when we first decided love is out there. Maybe that was when we decided to find love, to get love, to be loved, we have to get it out there. We think we have to get it from someone, they have to give it to us. And, if we can’t get someone to love us, we live in misery and constantly wanting love, looking for love in all the wrong places.
Lester Levenson, the originator of the Release Technique, found the answer in 1952. He found that when we was looking for love, when he wanted love from others, when he wanted to be loved, he was sick, and miserable and suffering. When he wanted to be loved he was living in negativity.
Lester found that the times in his life when he was loving, he was positive, happy, healthy and wealthy.
Lester saw when we want to be loved, we are into wanting something from someone. We want them to love us so we can feel good. Lester saw that is the opposite of love. He saw that it was non-loving to want someone to love us.
He saw that love is an attitude of givingness, of givingness to another, with no thought of receiving anything in return. Love is wanting the other person to have what they want even though we may not be able to give it to them.
Upon making this discovery, Lester set out to rid himself of all his non-loving feelings and when he did, his body was healed, his entire life was healed. Lester Levenson has shown us what we must do. To find love, we have to discover that love is not out there. We think we can get love out there and we find more frustration because Love is NOT out there.
We search around in all those eyes and then one day we spot someone who we fall in love with.We find someone just like ourselves. We find someone who wants love and we want love from them. We have what we call a relationship. We soon discover that this other person doesn't have love to give us because they want us to give love to them. Uh oh, we don't have love, we want the other person to give us love. So, we have two people, both of which want love from the other one and each not having it to give to them.
Is it any wonder we have such a high rate of divorce, so many family problems, so much anger and frustration.? We are looking for love in all the wrong places.
We do not have to go anywhere to find all the love in the universe. All we have to do is open up to the loving being that we really are. To do that, we do what Lester did. We sit down and we begin to let go of our non-loving feelings. That is what we learn to do in the Release Technique. The Release Technique gives us tools to let go of the non loving feelings so we can be loving, so we can have love.
When we think love is somewhere out there and we have to go and find it, we are miserable and suffering. With the Release Technique we find out we have love right now. All we need to do is to let go of the negativity and discover it.
We let go of the negativity using the tools in the Release Technique. No one needs to suffer. Find love right inside of you. Learn how. Order the Release Technique audio course today or sign up for a weekend Abundance Course coming to a city near you. Do it now. Go to www.releasetechnique.com You never have to look for love again.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson
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