The world thinks that happiness lies in having, having things and people. If we can just get more of the things and people we can be happy, thinks the world.
Never before in all of human history have we had more than we have today. Yet, never before has there been such misery and suffering. Our mind will not like to hear that and will open up a debate about whether there is more misery and suffering now than ever before. Our mind will get very noisy on the subject.
Most of us have cell phones in our possession right now, almost everyone has more than one television, radios, ipods, CD players, DVD players, video games, and on and on. We have much more technology than ever before and more is on the way. All of these “things” bring more noise into our lives---well, they are all noise-makers of some kind, aren’t they?
Noise activates our mind, keeps our mind active. Noise agitates our mind. Noise occupies our mind. Noise keeps sounds playing in our head 7/24. Noise adds thoughts and feelings, in fact, noise multiplies and magnifies the thoughts and feelings.
As we read along, we notice that noise takes us in the opposite direction from quiet. Noise, is the opposite of quiet. If we look, we easily see that noise is the opposite of peace. Peace and quiet. Those words go together. Noise and agitation. Those words go together, do they not?
Noise is a distraction, it distracts us from the quiet, it takes us further and further away from the quiet. Therefore noise takes us further and further away from peace which is the absence of noise.
Again, the noisy mind wants to hold a debate about this. The noisy mind wants to dispute this, to argue about it, to fight about it, to have a war about it. Most of the world is carrying on an inner war. A war is going on in their head. Is it any wonder, war breaks out in the world, when there is so much war going on in our heads?
Noise is preferable to the world because the world does not know of quiet. The world, we, the people of the world, are so accustomed to noise, so accustomed, conditioned to noise, needing noise, that we are fearful of quiet. What would happen if we didn’t have all of our noise in all its various forms? Our mind is fearful about that because our mind is the noise. Our mind knows if there is no noise, there is no mind. No mind, no noise, quiet. Our mind will fight with all its might against quiet because we have set up our mind for survival, we have set it up to survive and it survives on noise, noise is its food.
We have forgotten over time, as we have built up our mind, that noise is the thing that makes us sick, miserable, and keeps us suffering. That is why we acquire more things of noise, we think that somehow the noise will make us happy. Of course the opposite is true, noise makes us unhappy, and the more noise the unhappier we are. Noise is the opposite of peace. When we have quiet, we have peace, there is nothing going on in our mind, we have peace of mind.
Each bit of noise makes us less happy because each bit of noise takes us further away from quiet, further away from peace.
And, what it the bottom line? What is it that we are all seeking? Everyone is seeking happiness. If it is true we are all seeking happiness, we are going about it the wrong way when we are constantly adding noise to our lives, to our mind. Adding noise is adding misery.
So, what can we do about this? We can start hitting the delete button and eliminating the noise. Most people really have to hit rock bottom before they are willing to accept that we must give up our noise. Once again, it is because our mind is built with noise. Our mind is composed of thoughts and feelings, the more thoughts and feelings the more noise, the more the mind rules our lives.
How do we start hitting the delete button? First of all, we begin by letting go of the contraptions of noise, the trappings of noise, the electronic gadgetry. Then, we can begin to get down to brass tacks, we can begin to get to the nub of the thing, our thoughts and feelings.
Most of the people in the world think they are stuck with their thoughts and feelings. Most of the techniques for quieting the mind add thoughts and feelings, add more programming to this over-programmed mind of ours.
In the Release Technique, we find out there is another way. We see clearly that our mind is built exactly like a computer. A mind built the computer in its own likeness. A computer is composed of the things we have put into it, called programs. Our mind is the same, it is composed of programs called thoughts and feelings. When we want to clean up a computer we begin to delete the programs. When we want to clean up our mind, quiet our mind, we do the same thing. We go in and we begin to eliminate all these noisy programs.
In the Release Technique we gain the tools to do the opposite of what we have done all of our lives. We gain the tools to begin to delete the mental viruses. We readily see it is a daunting task to get all of the noise making thoughts and feelings out of our computer called our mind. In the Release Technique we learn how to take out all of the accumulated garbage we have stored up in mind.
The Release Technique is empowering because we find out we have put in all of this noise, all of these mental terrorists called thoughts and feelings, we have put them all into our subconscious mind. We see, we have put them in, we have the power to take them out.
We haven’t wanted to look at them so we have hidden them out in our hard drive, our subconscious mind. The Release Technique gives us the tools to go into the subconscious mind, bring up and delete all these mental viruses.
As we delete these mental viruses, this mental noise, our mind begins to quiet. As our mind begins to quiet, we become more peaceful and thus, more happy. We quiet the mind more, we have more peace, we have more happiness.
We keep doing it and we discover, we have, behind all of the noise, complete happiness, total happiness, the happiness that we have always longed for. We have it now, all we have to do is let go of the mental noise. We learn how to do it in the Release Technique. So, what are we waiting for? Why not start right now?
Go to order the Release Technique Abundance audio course or attend a weekend Abundance Course near you. Isn’t it time you got the peace of mind, the happiness, the abundance, the love you deserve. Why wait? The time is now.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson
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