Have you ever stopped to think about how the situations and circumstance in your life have come about? If so and if you are honest enough you will in time see that what you are is merely a reflection of your previous thoughts, words and deeds. In this respect the bible passage Galatians 6:7 KJV holds particular relevance:

'Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.'

Ok, in modern day terms that may translate to something along the lines of, you get out what you put in, your current actions have later reactions, you get what you give. Say what you will, if your honest you know it is near enough the mark not to be ignored.

So, the question to be asked now is how can change my current thoughts, actions and deeds so that in the future I get more of the things in life that I do want?

One way to immeditately change your view on your current situation and therefore to change it in the future is to recognise and eliminate the inner lies that people so often accept as part of their being.

By adopting a few of the approaches below you can make significant and lasting positive changes to your life. Don't take my word for it or the words of any of the higly successful people of the past and present but discover the thruth through your own life. Try some of these...

1. Make a decision and take action! Most people will resolutley make a decision or a declaration and believe that because they have made the decision the problem has been fixed. Not true. A decision has never really been made until it has been acted upon. So, make a decision and act upon it! Ideas are the source of all, but there real value only materialises when they are acted upon, when the thought becomes deed.

2. Do you have written goals? If not then it can be easy to let your focus drift or even to forget and lose sight of what you are looking to attain. Research clearly shows that 90% of the top performers in any given field are goal setters! Putting them in writing is the first step in taking them out of the realm of energy and manifesting them into real life.

3. Expectation is what brings the goal nearer to you, action is what takes you nearer to the goal. You need to successfully address both ends of this equation. Expectation is linked to what goals you set. I would find it difficult to expect to earn a million dollars passive income in a month, however 1000 dollars a month passive income in a years time would be a far more reasonable and attainable goal. Therefore with the correct plan and with discipiline I could actually expect to achieve this goal and not just have it as some imginary elusive goal.

4. Don't ignore your feelings. If you do something because you think that it will take you closer to your goals but it makes you feel negative and fearful, then choose another way. I don't mean walk away from challenges but if something feels bad about the method you are using to attain a goal then try a different method that feels better and makes you happier. Keep reaching out for the next better feeling. Doing this will always keep you moving in a positive direction.

5. Match up your thoughts, words and deeds. Develop a picture in your mind of what you want. make it clear and vivid. Speak positively about yourself, make positive affirmations to yourself and don't let your actions contradict your vision. If you have a vision of yourself as being slim and healthy choose an appropriate action to match that vision: eating healthily, runnning and so on. The real power in your mind is when all of these three aspects of yourself are aligned, this is where your real power lies!

Now make a note of the suggestions from above that you feel would be beneficial for you to apply. Now don't just look at the list, challenge yourself to take positive action on them today! Making these thought processes a natural part of your everyday life is the key. You can do that starting now!

Author's Bio: 

Author Tim Ryan provides FREE guidance and training on the power of positive thinking. Discover inspiring positive thinking articles, profiles, tips and more by simply clicking: Positive Thinking now.