Here is an interesting exercise.
Begin listing all the things that are right in your life.
Your mind can’t wait to get a word in edge-wise.
Try it. Take out a piece of paper. Start listing all the things that are right in your life, all the things that are going well, all the things that are positive.
Even before you get the paper, even before you start making your list, your mind started arguing about it. Your mind started reminding you of all the things that are wrong in your life, didn’t it?
Your mind immediately went on defense as soon as the thought came up of listing all the things right in your life, didn’t it?
That’s because the mind, your mind, my mind, everyone’s mind is negative. You need proof? As soon as you started thinking of what’s right in your life, your mind wanted to interrupt and tell you all the, “yeah buts.” Your life is great. Yeah but… You have a lot of good things happening in your life. Yeah but…
A whole lot of, yeah buts, that’s what you get from your friend your mind. All those, yeah buts are stealing your happiness, your abundance.
Face it. Your mind is negative. Your mind wants no part of positive. Your mind has kept you negative all your life. It’s not going to let you get positive. Not without a big fight.
Your mind wins the fights. It doesn’t seem like a big deal because you have gone along with your mind for so long you don’t even notice.
Someone does something, you complain about it. Something comes on the news, you get scared about it. You don’t get your way, you fight about it. Someone says something that doesn’t agree with your thinking, you get into an argument about it.
Isn’t that how your life is going?
Right now, your mind is giving you all the justifications for complaining, getting scared, fighting, getting into arguments, and all the rest of the things that have not been listed.
How do you feel? Nervous? Anxious? Irritated?
Sure you do, because you’re listening to your mind. Your mind is not your friend.
Your mind wants you to talk about what’s wrong. As long as your mind can keep you focused on what’s wrong, it has control. As long as your mind can keep you focused on what’s wrong, it can keep you negative.
Newspapers, the 24 hour news channels get this. They know your mind eats negativity for dinner. They know if they can keep you captivated by the negativity, they can keep you tuned- in and you’ll buy the products that make them ultra rich on your negativity.
Wake up. See what is going on.
Are you as happy as you want to be?
Of course, you’re not.
You’re not as happy as you want to be because, you’re constantly thinking of what’s wrong, what’s missing in your life, what you don’t have.
When you’re following your mind’s advice, you’re negative. You’re thinking negative. You’re thinking of trouble, problems, what’s wrong in the world.
And, how does that help you? How does it help you to be negative? How does it help you to live in a world of trouble and problems? Oh, it helps the newspapers, it helps the 24 hour news channels, it helps the guys that talk negative so they can get their millions. How does it help you?
Has negative thinking, talking, acting ever helped you get anything positive? Of course not. Your mind wants to tell you how all that gossiping, all that trash talking, all that negative spewing out of your mouth, how all that isn’t really all that bad, how it’s just part of life, how everybody does it, so how could it be so wrong?
Are you going to keep buying that? Negativity is taking you for a sucker and you’re going right along with it.
In the meantime, are you happier, are you healthier, are your relationships better, do you have more money in your pocket?
The trash talkers have millions more. They’re getting richer by the second. And, whose money is it? Whose money are they putting in their pocket?
It’s your money!
Time to see that. It’s time to see that negative does not help you. Negative never helps you. Negative drags you down. Negative keeps you negative and negative does not get you the happiness you’re after. Negative does not put more money in your bank account. Negative does not lower your blood pressure. Negative does not give you loving relationships.
How could it? Negative is negative. You’re never going to get something positive out of negative.
What’s the answer? The answer is to get positive. The answer is to take over your life. Yes, take back your life. You have given your life to negative. Take it back. Take it back and get positive.
When you get positive, guess what? Positive starts happening in your life. Doesn’t it make sense? You get positive, your world turns positive.
Check it out. Your mind does not like to hear these words.
It’s time to get bigger than your mind. Get bigger. It’s your mind. You’re the owner. Act like the owner.
Decide to see what’s right in your life. What’s good in your life. What’s working in your life. The more you look for it, the more you find it. The more you look for the good, the more good you see.
Decide to see that positive begets positive. Decide to get that negativity out of your life. Decide to do it today. Decide to do it now.
The Release Technique ( gives you the tools to rid yourself of all that negativity you have built up for so many years. The Release Technique shows you how get rid of the negative and get positive. The Release Technique shows you how to get positive and have all the things the negative guys say you can’t have. Get positive and turn your life around. Get the Release Technique Abundance course and begin letting go of all that negativity which is blocking you from having all you would like to have, blocking you from being wealthy, healthy and having everything go your way. Do it now. Now is the time to do something different so you can have something different.
It’s time to do something different. Do it now.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson
Larry Crane – Abundance
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