Abuse is the psychological, physical, sexual and spiritual violation of a spiritual being. All of creation is but an extension of the Divine Being who fills the expanse of the universe, the living entity that fills all things and is all things. All of creation comes from Source, is connected to Source and returns to Source, everything is one, there is in reality no other.

The Divine is in everything and everything is in the Divine, so that which is done to another is in fact done to the Divine and everything connected to it. Everything and everyone is but a representation of the Divine, only when we operate in ignorance do we perceive it otherwise. We are as much connected to each other as we are to the Source of all things because we are all at our very core spirit.

Abuse takes place when broken, separated persons try to release their pain by inflicting it upon others. Though the abuse may manifest itself in various forms it is but the result of a hurting soul lashing out in anger at that which it sees as an easy outlet for the releasing of the pain that is bottled up within waiting to explode. It is very much like a hurting animal attacking anything that comes within its range, even those trying to help it. As the saying goes; 'Hurting people hurt others'.

Psychological Abuse

Psychological Abuse is one of the primary forms if abuse. It can be defined as the degradation of another through the use of two primary weapons – words and actions. Though there is no physical act of violence involved it is perhaps the most destructive of all types of abuse, primarily because it speaks to the psyche of the individual. The psyche is the spirit or soul of an individual; it is the lens through which the person perceives himself and his world.

The spirit or soul of an individual is that which controls everything that takes place in his or her world, from their physical health and well-being to their spiritual and physical relationship.

The health of the spirit/soul/psyche determines the health of the human body because it controls the body. If the psyche is whole and connected then the body experiences radiant health, when it is fractured and disconnected then the individual is deflated and their health deteriorates. It is like a balloon which when filled with helium rises continuously, when however it is punctured the helium escapes, the balloon deflates and falls to the earth.

The Spirit is like a balloon, when it is filled with positive, correct thoughts and words it keeps the body healthy, when it is deflated through negative words and actions which are absorbed by the sub-conscious it becomes punctured, weakened and eventually dies.

The psyche is filled with all the thoughts, ideas and acts that have been used to inform the individual of their worth and by extension their place in this world. Those thoughts remain with them forever and are the reference that the sub conscious uses to determine what form of relationships the individual should or should not have been involved in; what material possessions they should or should not have and the place that they are fit to occupy in this world. It affects them on every level and is the most important factor in determining their future and the quality of life they possess.

These thoughts are absorbed even before birth, science has long ago proven that we can not only affect a child in the womb but we can also teach it as well. So what my parents say about me even while I am in the womb can determine whether I feel loved, accepted and wanted or rejected and unloved.

Their beliefs about whether I am a special gift or an unwanted intervention in their lives can not only have a profound affect on my ability to feel loved and appreciated in this world; it will also determine whether I find either wholesome and healing relationships or toxic, addictive, destructive relationships later on in life.

Author's Bio: 

Having spent over thirty (30) years as a teacher and counselor and the past fifteen years training individuals to overcome their negative past and move confidently and victoriously into their future. Ainsworth Forgenie is well equipped to enable men and women to overcome their hurts, walk in their Divine purpose and come to the place where they could truly experience the wealthy life.

Being an avid student of the human mind, Ainsworth has spent considerable time helping individuals move past their hurts and come to the place where they enjoy their new found freedom and joy.

An excellent communicator and gifted teacher Ainsworth's conferences and seminars are known to be truly eye opening and life impacting. His focused desire is to bring individuals to a place of wholeness, connectedness and self awareness so that they become empowered to live truly transformed lives.For more info visit his websites at http://ainsworthforgenie.com http:/ainsworthforgenie.com/blog