"I let go of the beliefs about myself that hold me from my grand potential. I am moving into a powerful loving space of truth and acceptance." (Quote by Almora)

You will hear it said time and again that this is a time of change. These changes are working through us in our personal lives as well as in the world at large. It is a time now when the leaves begin to fall that we are asked to review our lives, mind, body and spirit.

For me it has been a time to be focused on the physical body and over the past year I have noticed more and more the changes occurring within it, particularly the stress my physical body is under - both internally and externally.

Those of us on our journey of self and spiritual development are often more inspired by the world of spirit and the gifts from that realm than looking out the things before us on a day to day practical level. Sometimes we use it as a way of escaping and avoiding our physical, mental and emotional areas of struggle.

Again and again I have been reminded of the sacred precious body that we inhabit and often how we have neglected to see its value. The soul delights to have experiences through tangible and physical expression through the senses of touch, smell and emotional freedom that can be expressed through voice, dance, movement, through this beautiful precious human body.

In order for it to serve us at its best and for us to have optimum health and energy, we really need to look after it.

Not simply by feeding ourselves an organic, free-range and fresh diet, but also by including plenty of rest, exercise and appreciation for all of the marvels, it performs for us on a daily basis. Without these things we would not be able to function. The degree of energy that we have is very much reflected in our diet, exercise and the love that we have for our bodies. Our ability to let go of toxic thoughts and emotions that weigh us down, and the life style changes that we make to keep us in our natural state of balance. In exchange for our nurture, our bodies give us the gifts of movement, adventure and passion through the physical, tangible, experience.

Indigenous cultures understood the importance of working with the seasons; they understood that our physical forms are connected with everything. So therefore what is happening within the seasonal patterns is happening within us. The Native American Indians called the autumn festival, 'The Giveaway’. It was a time for them, when they would give away items of clothing, ritualistic habits and behaviors, personal items of value, or food. The importance was to clear of the old, in order to create a space for the new. Sometimes this was symbolized in burying things in the ground, to give to the earth with appreciation, of what those things had given to them over that year. Sometimes it was the letting go of relationships, or the death of someone close to them.

Winter was a time of hibernation, retreat into the stillness to go within. The purpose was to create as space to germinate new seeds of ideas for the spring, ready to act upon by the summer. This letting go process can be far more difficult for most of us, as our lives have become far more complicated. Our homes are full of furniture, wardrobes full of clothes, ornaments, photographs; computers, televisions, CDs, telephones, stereos and the list go on. No wonder we feel so cluttered and over whelmed at times!

Then there is the never ending list of things to do. Do we really need all this? What can we let go of? Not only physically but then there is the work we do. Our day to day interactions with people, friends, relatives and the emotional struggles happening around us. How much struggle and stress do we add to the pile ourselves?

I have heard it said stress is pressure that we cannot handle. How much do we want to handle? So it is in this time of change, that I invite you to look at what is changing in your life? What is your area of struggle? and where do you need help? There is no shame; we all have our areas of mastership and apprenticeship as Almora says! By deciding what we need and then asking for help we are always answered. It is time to find a balance between work and play, action and rest, business and stillness, people and aloneness. The winter gives us the optionally to go within and rest, renew and revaluate. May this autumn give you all the opportunity to review, where are you now? Shed the leaves, which are waiting to fall with gratitude for who and what they have meant to your life. Let the winter be a time of rest and reflection.

I leave you with these affirmations from Almora that seem really appropriate for this time of year:


"Grief takes me deep into myself as it allows me to reflect on my life and those that have shared my journey. I give blessings for all of them and what they have shown me. I am now ready to move forward to my next destination."


"I am willing to love myself enough to rest when my body is tired. Much is happening within me as my energy is processing and aligning itself. I am thus renewed with excitement, motivation and purpose."

Author's Bio: 

Almora shares his wisdom via Dellaina to teach higher knowledge to those that are ready to hear and to know this knowledge to lovingly support people going through difficult times in their lives. He is here to assist with the healing process of pain, sadness or other emotions that may be carried which stop us moving forward in our lives and to guide us through everyday life in these very challenging times.