One of the unfortunate side effects of modern day living is the associated stress that comes with it, and nobody is exempt. The side effects of stress can affect not only our minds, but also our bodies and emotions.

Relaxation is the only cure for stress side effects, whether caused by problems at work such as trying to meet tight deadlines, general tiredness, family or relationships.

Many of us think we are relaxing by watching TV, for example. Experts however believe otherwise. The stimulation we are assaulted with such as bright lights, sounds and the dreaded commercials provide no relief from true stress and may even add to the symptoms.

Transcendental meditation is one form of relaxation that studies have found to have numerous other health bonuses such as lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes by preventing or reducing the likelihood of blocked arteries. These studies found that individuals who practiced transcendental meditation actually had lessened the thickness and hence elasticity of their arterials when compared with those who didn't. For those among you who aren't sure what transcendental meditation is, it is a form of relaxation and meditation whereby individuals meditate whilst making soothing sounds.

Another method found by many to be effective in managing relaxation is Yoga, also found to have a similar health benefit to acupuncture. Yoga is a type of what has been termed ‘progressive relaxation' and some interesting studies have been conducted. In one such study, subjects were placed under a predetermined level and length of time of stress, after which they were placed in situations thought to relax, such as classical music and other sensory relaxation techniques. Perhaps not surprisingly, only the subjects who did Yoga as their relaxation actually reduced their recovery time, that it, to regain their normal blood pressure levels.

One of the best and perhaps easiest ways to achieve relaxation is to simply breathe. Concentrating on your breathing is surprisingly comforting – after all, it's what keeps us alive – and you are very likely to feel calmer very quickly.

Breathing exercises are effective, easy, and above all free ways to deal with stress, and there are plenty of different techniques to try.

Massage is also hailed as a great way to relax. However, to gain the full effects you have to relax in the hands of a professional therapist.

Different levels of relaxation can be attained by different massage techniques and the trick is finding one that works for you.

Biofeedback is a 10 hour session, often held weekly, which is a training program designed to help you deal with stress.

Another alternative technique is hypnosis. This can often help people who have deep rooted issues causing them stress, those whose health is affected by stress, and even those who really do not now how to ‘let go' and relax.

It should be mentioned here that medical professionals such as doctors may prescribe drugs for stress related illness. Whilst there is no doubt that they have their place, it has to be said that they are not always safe and do not provide true relaxation hence somewhat lacking in efficacy.

The methods documented here are just a dip in the ocean of the available methods of relaxation. Relaxation is absolutely essential in everyday life to combat some of the effects of stress, one of the worst being high blood pressure which brings with it a higher risk of strokes. The immune system is also compromised by stress, which produces immunity suppressing hormones, making you more susceptible to illness. Your immune system needs time to relax just like you do, to recover from the damage done by stress and function like it should.

Whichever method or combination of methods you choose, you need to ensure it is one which you can practice regularly. Build a relaxation into your lifestyle and reap the benefits.

Author's Bio: 

MindMaster is a program helps you achieve relaxation through some targeted and customizable subliminal messages. You can try the program for Free by going to our website: http://www.mindmaster.