How nice would it be if you were to read a trivia and never forget what it was all about? Or better still, what if you could always show up at a friend’s birthday? As luck may have it, not everyone has a photographic memory. Very few people have received the gift to look and remember immediately. The rest of us are forced to use memory techniques such as mnemonics to remember complicated information.
Fortunately, almost everyone can improve their memories, and with proper time and exercise, most of them can improve their brains’ ability to remember data. This article is written to aid you in following steps to improve your memory, whether it is to win a quiz show or come first in your science exam, or even to simply remember where you had parked the car.
1. Firstly, you need to motivate yourself that you already have a good memory and it can always be improved. Many people have this illusion that their memory is bad if they cannot remember numbers or names, or they forget some important information. You need to remove these negative thoughts and make a promise to yourself that you will improve your memory. Devote yourself to the task at hand and also, monitor your achievement. Also, it is very difficult to be motivated if you keep on punishing yourself every time only little progress has been made.
2. Exercise your brain. A regular exercise helps keep the brain growing and permits for the creation of new nerve networks which will greatly help in improving your memory. Try developing a new brain skill such as speaking a foreign language or learning to play the cello. These complicated skills will aid in your goals. Also, you can try solving some problem puzzles and games that keep your brain active and improves its functions.
3. Workout the brain everyday. A regular mental workout can improve blood circulation and efficiency of the body; especially the brain, and can aid in the prevention of memory loss that is more prone as you get older. A physical exercise also helps us to be alert and more relaxed, and this helps us in healthy processing of information.
4. Reduce stress. Stress is caused by a hormone, called the Cortical. Even though stress does not cause physical harm to the brain, it does make it difficult to remember. A prolonged effect of stress, can damage the brain. Stressful events are recognized by the hypothalamus which signals the pituitary gland to secret a hormone called ACTH or adrenocorticotropic hormone.
This hormone is responsible in creating a significant change to the adrenaline levels and later cortisol or corticosteroids. Cortisols can weaken the blood-brain wall in the skull and is also known to cause damage to the hippocampus. Hippocampus is also known as the memory center of the brain. However, the hippocampus regulates production of the hormone released by the hypothalamus through a complicated process of non-positive brain feedback.
If there is a series of chronic stress, it is quite possible for the brain to get damaged and then it will not properly function to help control the degenerative cortisol and memory can also be harmed. The formation of any new neurons or the neuro genesis also happens in the hippocampus and cortisols stop this event. Chronic stress can also greatly affect brain health and also the memory. The best thing to do in such a situation is to learn to relax and control stress. Stress is almost impossible to completely eradicate from the body but it can be controlled.
The brain is a very important part of your body. Keep in mind that you need to regularly exercise it or stimulate it by following these exercises. Through these exercises, be sure that you will have a sharper memory and healthier brain.
MindMaster, dealing with subtleties of human mind, can effectively help you improve your memory through, positive thinking that can help you sharpen your memory. You can download and try the program Free by visiting
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