On December 4 of this year,it will be two years that my husband George will have died from complications of a stroke.I am a heavy set person,who,because of disabilites,cannot work.My 19 year old son lives at home with me,and works to help support the small government pensionsI receive.The labor union that my husband paid 25 years of dues into did not even send flowers,and cut our benefits and pension.The workers where he worked sent us a nice contribution.

I am wanting to lose weight,so I have been trying to obtain a copy of a book that a well known hawker of diet products
has put out.He also has put out other products,has videos, and a web site,and a show where he grants"Dreams"for people.
I got a call from them one day,because I sent in a dream for my son.We never heard from them again.Also,I have requested
a book that I know he can get access to -I have asked e 3 times-to no avail.I guess you have to buy his stuff,or something.I sent pictures of my son and myself-we never got them back-But,they did air a mother and son show.I guess my son and I were not good enough for this persons show.

I am hurt and upset,because this shoots my self esteem down again.But,there is one bright point-I have 3 e mail friends who like me,and write to me all the time.This person sent me a "autographed"picture and letter-sure-autographed by one of his many staff,I guess.I feel he is selective,and prejudiced-in other words-you don't have money,don't bother the man.The picture even came 66 cents postage due!!!!!! And,there is a newslady who is a widow,but,instead of taking care of her youngsters at home,she struts around in designer gowns at parties.Ehu. I am angry-there are widows out there-like myself-middle age having to live on praticaly nothing-we need to be heard!!!!!!!and,as for diet people,mean what you say,and do not just be for the upper class!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Susan A Cartright, my web site is susiecdd@yahoo.com-I have to use the library computer,as I do not have one at home.